W10 for phones your opinion of the event news?

So do I. I wasn't talking about finding my way around a device, but about what I find visually appealing. Purely from a utilitarian point of view, I can learn to use any piece of software. I can get used to any inconsistent and cluttered mess of a UI if I must. A clean UI that consistently follows a set of rules, just makes that task enjoyable, rather than a chore.


You've given up on the idea that a UI can simultaneously beautiful, functional and compact. I have not.

No I actually haven't. I think that iOS & Android fit that bill. But what I might consider "beautiful" is not popular here. In fact, it is very unpopular! Looks are mostly relative.

That said, if we're going to judge all smartphone UI's by looks only, I'll give WP the blue ribbon, easily. However, its beauty is where the advantages of its UI end. And when it's cumbersome to get something done the visual appeal is quickly forgotten.

Here's the homescreen on my Nexus 6. It's my primary device ATM. To me, it's visually appealing, clean, very simple, and I have 23 apps available with 1 or 2 taps (2 taps for the apps in folders). And that's only using part of the screen. I have the Google Now widget which shows weather, and occasionally news items, stock prices, or sports scores (ha, no more of that after the Packers' heartbreaking loss!) if something interesting happens. This is quite spartan, but because I wear a smartwatch I don't need widgets for messages or email.

Screenshot (Jan 22, 2015 11_40_12 AM).jpg

PS In case you're curious about the news item headline, it reads Why Google Inc.'s “Project Ara” Smartphones Make Absolutely No Sense
You'd have thought MS learned their lessen when they tried to bring Metro, that was designed for small screens, to W8 which is used on large screens. That didn't go well. This is the exact same mistake in reverse.

Maintaining design consistency across completely different devices just for the sake of consistency isn't worth anything. That's just counterproductive and asking for trouble.

Well for the first point, those are two different scenarios: Windows 10 on phone has changed the UI a tad bit but it isn't a radical departure from what WP8.1 is. Windows 7 > Windows 8 however made people question whether or not it was even Microsoft making the OS. So it technically isn't the same "mistake", but... I'll humor you for a second. Even if they were the same mistake it's easier to "alienate" a few million people that make up 3% of the smartphone market than it is to shake up the entire PC industry. The former isn't even set in stone as we can still help shape it, the latter is already said and done which is why Windows 10 exists in the first place. So relax and make sure you're a part of the insider program!

As for the second point... Apple seems to be doing great with a consistent UI across their computing family.
I want to start a new thread about this but I think it is too soon but after reading most of the threads in last 12-18 hours, I think we will need a mass movement. We will need this as in nicely articulated feedback as soon as we grab the preview on our phones. We need to let Microsoft know this isn't the "user experience" we want even though they are showering us with so many new features we've been moaning about. For some reason, the way they've repeated on and on that "you insiders" made it happen, I want to believe, they will hear us.

Can we here at WPCentral, have a team of dedicated Moderators, Ambassadors and Community members active on social media - lobby for active voting? I think we can do this. I will start this thread later once the preview hits our handsets, but basically a massive thread, with a new poll everyday (heck even a new sub-forum) with new thread, new poll every week - about a feature people are happy or unhappy about and then we decide to create a feedback that gets massively voted up or down and we keep prompting and promoting fellow users.

I think we are the biggest WP community since its birth and now is the time we should actively participate to have the WP as we know it. Remember these, universal apps are very early betas and will change, if we are persistent.

Agree? No?

I don't agree. No!

In that case another group of moderators, ambassadors, famous personalities like the pope and King Jong Un, should be formed to lobby in support of these good changes that Microsoft is implementing.

I'm part of this community, don't try to be my voice and say things I don't agree.
Re: What do you think about Windows 10 for phone!

From what I have seen, I don't think we have that good of an idea about W10 for Phone at this point. If they release a video detailing the phone specifics the way they did for PC, we might know more.
They did.
The UI is good bt theres nothing much tht we never seen before except the background and transperent tiles... For the action center i was looking foward to see it transperent rather than a dark or light back ground...settings look very good and has i cons as well. Microsoft did a wonderful job on this project
TBH i just want to see the OS faster! Hope Windows 10 makes the phone faster and has less loading.... and resuming....
I haven't seen enough to say anything yesterday was like turning the light for a couple of seconds then turning it off
One of the things I miss them esd a video showing a little more exclusive Windows 10 Phone. I hope soon to publish so in this way generate more excitement. A couple of weeks enjoying my 1520 a great phone and watch yesterday introduced to Joe make one, has made me smile for a while.
I just want interactive live tile as i was expecting, if i got that then i would be bit happy!

Live tiles are not widgets, stop asking for this. They are live because they give you live information pertaining to the app, and the only action they should do is take you to that information (which in my opinion is the feature you should be asking for, MSN news for example shows you an article, but takes you to the landing page when you tap the tile, not the article itself). That's it, no interactive, you have other ways to do the things you probably want to do, and they are more efficient.
Windows 10 for mobile announcements was pretty disappointing. It just seemed like an afterthought compared to the attention to detail Microsoft has put for the desktop version. Hopefully this changes before the release date of the OS.
Live tiles are not widgets, stop asking for this. They are live because they give you live information pertaining to the app, and the only action they should do is take you to that information (which in my opinion is the feature you should be asking for, MSN news for example shows you an article, but takes you to the landing page when you tap the tile, not the article itself). That's it, no interactive, you have other ways to do the things you probably want to do, and they are more efficient.
So what's so wrong about wanting interactive live tiles? It would be way more efficient to use interactive live tiles than having to open the app to do everything.
Live tiles are not widgets, stop asking for this.

Why should they stop? Microsoft wanted to make live tiles interactive with the mixview concept. Both customers and Microsoft have shown interest in this so there is a big chance of it happening.
store, tiles, xbox music/video, rotate screen, and app

windows phone 10 will be arrives soon, and i'm sure every windows user (phone, tablet, pc etc) can't wait this moment, and i'm pretty sure, all of you really expecting a massive changes in windows phone 10. Yeah! so do i. I divided the topic into 5 point, which is what i really expecting there is a big changes like the user interface, additional tools and many more. So let's get into it.

1) Store.
I really looking forward on windows phone 10 store. I wonder how does it will look like. I hope they change the user interface, make it better as well as put some trailer or video for every app like the one in android. I'm sure it will be totally amazing, i mean we can just preview the app before we get downloaded. Other than that, it is vital to have user account in store, which mean it will recorded all the user's activities and so forth. I do hope Microsoft would concerned about wp store. It looks so simple and little bit pathetic, compared to ios/android in which it looks so attracted.

2) Tiles
There's a lot of windows phone 10 concept that i had watched on YouTube or any website. Most of theirs concept story come out with the new tiles size such as, we already experienced a small, standard, and large. But a new tiles size would probably be like a long square (not sure if it true) like the one in windows 8.1. I hope there's a new tiles size though.

3) xbox music
We experienced a lot of changes of xbox music since wp 8 to 8.1, like the missing of live tiles. I have no idea what to expect a new features on xbox music, but this is what i really hope it would be: 1) xbox music should have user account. 2) xbox music should have xbox music store in which user can purchase or download music. 3) please change the UI of xbox music like walkman xperia. Walkman xperia is one of the UI of music app. i'm so envy toward xperia user. I do hope in windows phone 10, microsoft would change the xbox music to be more powerful and amazing app ever! Note* the account should put on the left screen. User can just swipe out the account on their left screen.

4) rotate screen
I've been asking a lot of people, can we rotate screen on start screen? i mean, will start screen rotate too? or it will just stay still like the original? I hope it can rotate, because it will make screen look even bigger, than vertical.

5) app
You may asking people around ya about wp app, and they will reply you wp app are a bit far behind compare to android and ios. I really hope microsoft would collaborate with android and ios in order to standardized the app that available in android/ios would available in windows phone too. pleasee.

So, i really hope windows phone 10 can be so much better than wp 8.1, and i hope too there's a massive changes on wp 10. thank you
W10 not helping phones

I know all of us Microsoft fans would like to see the phone market share increase with the release of Windows 10, but I believe its something that won't ever happen. I say this because people are stuck in the OS that they are already using and don't care enough to move away from IPhones or Androids to try something new and once you pay alot of money for apps and then have to pay again for the apps once you move over it's not worth it. Windows 10 percentage won't grow much in my opinion.
Re: W10 not helping phones

I can't remember ever disagreeing with you rocky! ;-)

I'm definitely on board with that! You're welcome to use and improve whatever parts of the post that you find useful. I'll gladly help out too if you want. Just give me a shout.

I don't agree. No!

In that case another group of moderators, ambassadors, famous personalities like the pope and King Jong Un, should be formed to lobby in support of these good changes that Microsoft is implementing.

I'm part of this community, don't try to be my voice and say things I don't agree.

See, this is the beauty about this community. We have those veterans who still remember how magnificent "The gutter" was in its time. We have those who still remember how Windows Phone promised "Glance and go OS". Then there are those who never heard of Metro UI and there are those who think Modern UI is a copycat of Material Design.

I think if those who disagree with say something popular we pick up on various boards of this forum and put it as a poll - can always vote as "I disagree" and then ONLY after our community has spoken, we decide to get it trending on social media and on uservoice to bag the votes (or not).

This will be helpful in two ways. One - new ideas to make Windows 10 better for all. Two - we can discuss. You can't do that on uservoice. You just add idea and people add comments that are not a dialogue. Here we can discuss an idea and then as a community decide to push it forward or bury it.

Of course, I won't be the voice of anyone. "The voice" will be votes on these boards, discussions as well as Microsofties that have joined us recently on Windows Central.

BTW, what do you like so much about hamburger menus?
My honest feeling is that windows 10 is far from finished for final release. A lot of work needs to be done. Some features need more refinement, more relevant features need to be shown or added, a lot has still to be done to get consistency in design, use and ergonmical use of apps and design, and certain features (in my opinion absolutely) need to be get rid off or polished away.
Re: W10 not helping phones

See, this is the beauty about this community. We have those veterans who still remember how magnificent "The gutter" was in its time. We have those who still remember how Windows Phone promised "Glance and go OS". Then there are those who never heard of Metro UI and there are those who think Modern UI is a copycat of Material Design.

I think if those who disagree with say something popular we pick up on various boards of this forum and put it as a poll - can always vote as "I disagree" and then ONLY after our community has spoken, we decide to get it trending on social media and on uservoice to bag the votes (or not).

This will be helpful in two ways. One - new ideas to make Windows 10 better for all. Two - we can discuss. You can't do that on uservoice. You just add idea and people add comments that are not a dialogue. Here we can discuss an idea and then as a community decide to push it forward or bury it.

Of course, I won't be the voice of anyone. "The voice" will be votes on these boards, discussions as well as Microsofties that have joined us recently on Windows Central.

BTW, what do you like so much about hamburger menus?

I really like hamburgers, but beyond that, I was asking for this change since before the event, the adoption of the UI elements of the successful mobile platforms, in particular Android, and the consistency of the UI through all the Windows devices. So, I'm happy with the changes.

I think the purists fans should wait for the insider preview and experiment with the software, only after that the feedback will be taken more seriously.
I can't wait to see how the new Xbox music app works. I saw a snippet during the presentation. Very interesting.
Re: W10 not helping phones

I know all of us Microsoft fans would like to see the phone market share increase with the release of Windows 10, but I believe its something that won't ever happen. I say this because people are stuck in the OS that they are already using and don't care enough to move away from IPhones or Androids to try something new and once you pay alot of money for apps and then have to pay again for the apps once you move over it's not worth it. Windows 10 percentage won't grow much in my opinion.
Agreed. Back in the WP7 days there were enough problems with IOS and Android to have a chance. But MS has spent the last 5 years unifying their platform instead of making the best mobile OS, and now it is too late.

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