W10 for phones your opinion of the event news?

Re: W10 not helping phones

But MS has spent the last 5 years unifying their platform instead of making the best mobile OS, and now it is too late.

As long as you have money, it's never too late. It just takes far more effort and luck to make a dent in the market. Ten years ago Apple was nothing. Things change...
Re: W10 not helping phones

As long as you have money, it's never too late. It just takes far more effort and luck to make a dent in the market. Ten years ago Apple was nothing. Things change...
The mobile market is totally different today. The only way in would be to have a revolutionary advantage (like Apple had then with their finger-friendly UI and simple operation). Today, minor UX differences in the app launcher just aren't going to make people switch. Then you add the lack of buzz and apps, and it makes it even less likely.
MS is spending a lot of money, but they don't even seem to be taking mobile seriously. How can it be that their services are all focused on the US, and yet they have almost no retail presence here? If I want a new Windows Phone in the US I have to accept a low-end prepaid or buy grey-market from a camera store or look on eBay or pay double what other countries do to buy it direct from MS ($500 for L830 that won't even do LTE on my carrier). That is ridiculous.
I found it interesting that the new UI ditched Metro with the exception of live tiles. It looks a lot closer to Google's Material Design, which I think is good. The best Metro has ever looked was in the old Zune desktop app. Everywhere else it looks a bit too spartan for my tastes.

That said, the rest of the demonstration just looked like a .1 increment rather than what I'd expect from a full version upgrade.

My biggest concern is with the carriers in the US. Specifically, Verizon (which I'm on). They've treated Windows Phones pretty poorly. They're currently not selling the Lumias or HTC models, and they've been painfully slow with the 8.1 update. 8X users still haven't received it through normal channels.

I love the Windows Phone platform, but if they can't maintain a variety of devices or quicken the updates with Verizon, then it's really all for not. I'm actually going to jump ship to Android specifically because of those reasons. I don't want to, but I don't live in an area that has good coverage by anyone but Verizon, and I'm tired of getting the short end of the stick from them because I prefer a less popular platform. I honestly hope that W10 phones take off, and that when I'm due for a new phone in 2017 or so the platform's ecosystem is a lot more robust and stable. I will definitely come back if there's a future in Windows Phone.
I find it highly amusing that some people are acting like what was unveiled is the final RTMed product...

The official launch for Windows 10 is months away and things could change drastically for the better (or worse) between now and then.

Personally I am liking what I am seeing and finally MS have confirmed what approach they are taking - "Windows Best", so people need to understand a finely tuned product takes time to be developed.. as the saying goes "Rome wasn't build in a day".

As long they remain true to that philosophy I am happy to wait.
I'm happy to wait by going to a better phone than what I'm currently using in the interim. And, again, in my particular case, my concern is more with how Verizon will treat Windows 10 Phones than with what Microsoft is doing on their end.
Re: W10 not helping phones

The mobile market is totally different today.

Yes, and so is almost every other part of the consumer electronics market. Seven years earlier it was completely different again, and seven years from now it won't look at all as it does today. Like I said, things change. In a market that is so volatile and exposed to innovation and change, as long as you have money, anything is possible. That's the point.
I agree with all your other points.
I tried WP8 with the L930. Enjoyed the experience at the time, prior to iOS 8.

The problem I had was a) camera was too slow and too fiddly to take good photos in my experience. - I want a super fast camera that takes great pics and the iPhone 6 does that
B) apps. I'm sorry but there just isn't the same app ecosystem on WP than android let alone iOS which is the best.

As good as W10 looks and as functional as it gets it doesn't matter to the masses because of your key app isn't there, or isn't updated then what's the point?

Xbox gaming on this is cool but again most mobile games are not Xbox style and Windows misses out.

Until the situation is fixed, I don't see that happening, then MSFT will have a very hard time imo

I want it to succeed as I dislike android but it does not have the polish of iOS and the apps. Case in point monument valley which is a gorgeous game, fantastical brilliant calendar app and many many more

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Xbox gaming on this is cool but again most mobile games are not Xbox style and Windows misses out.

This is actually one of my biggest disappointments with the WP platform. It's completely inexcusable that the only platform that has Xbox Live isn't the leading mobile game platform. It is such a wasted opportunity.
Yeah totally agree. I love my XB1 and its crazy that they did not capitalise on their existing gaming platform. I also believe they should've done a portable gaming device but that's neither here or there
You can't really come to a conclusion based merely upon what was displayed on the screen that day during the Win 10 event. That was just a part of "sneak-peek" you can say. Hopefully they will add more features to the device when the final software is out and later we will obviously receive more updates.
All I can say is, lets wait till the preview is out.
Cant wait for the first week of Feb :)
- Overall, the UI seems more cluttered, the minimalistic charm of the Metro/Modern UI that Windows Phone prides itself on seems to be getting lost
- There's also a loss of consistency, we now have screens that have either hamburger menus or ellipses, or sometimes both. And as others have also pointed out, moving the menu and actions to the top really doesn't make much sense.

I realize it's still work in progress though I'm hopeful that things will turn out alright in the end. I'm looking forward to seeing the final product.

my sentiment exactly!
If this is indeed the UX for WP10 I'll be leaving to Lollipop, the abandonment of Metro and adoption of hamburgers like Android is just horrible.
Microsoft updates phone insider app to windows insider with Microsoft accounts and I think w 10 for phone preview is coming soon
Wevenhuis;2951639[B said:
]My honest feeling is that windows 10 is far from finished for final release[/B]. A lot of work needs to be done. Some features need more refinement, more relevant features need to be shown or added, a lot has still to be done to get consistency in design, use and ergonmical use of apps and design, and certain features (in my opinion absolutely) need to be get rid off or polished away.

This is what I worrying for me the most been waiting for a true top end phone for over 12 month now( you know one with expandable storage and 3000 + battery) hoping something new is out buy June as it a New windows phone or a another Android phone for me. :/ Think whatever they release it needs to be water resistant like the top of the range Samsung's and Sony phones.
And no the 1520 is to big a phone to place in your pocked for everyday use.

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