W10 (Phone) Will be Great and Here is the Proof


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Nov 12, 2012
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First let me say; nice piece, I really enjoyed. And I will kind of agree with you and that Gates may have or not hold MS back. But although Ballmer had great intentions in many cases the execution was poorly done. As your piece pointed out Gates left in 2006; the iPhone came out in 2007 And Android 2008 respectively. So, Gates had a/two year already gone, so Ballmer had all the time to come up with a response/s but we cannot forget the infamous laugh at the first iPhone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eywi0h_Y5_U. Mr. Ballmer lack of vision and arrogance was what held WP back.

Thanks! I at least tried to make people think a bit ;). But like I said, development for Windows Phone started right after Gates took more time off. Who knows if they had to start from scratch or work with the "next gen OS" that they initially worked on from before. Either way, it would still take time for them to get it ready, which it did.

As far as the iPhone, to be fair, just about everyone laughed at it, not just Ballmer. I don't get why he's the only one who everyone points to. Consumers thought it was a joke too. The iPhone was basically worthless until the iPhone 4 came out (maybe the 3GS, but even that was ehh). That's when the iPhone really started to jump onto the scene.

Jorge Holguin

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Apr 18, 2014
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As far as the iPhone, to be fair, just about everyone laughed at it, not just Ballmer. I don't get why he's the only one who everyone points to. Consumers thought it was a joke too. The iPhone was basically worthless until the iPhone 4 came out (maybe the 3GS, but even that was ehh). That's when the iPhone really started to jump onto the scene.

My pleasure.. Ballmer, because who he was and the video.


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Nov 12, 2012
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No, but it is an indication of where it is headed.

But I assume that there will be more touch friendly additions on the way...hopefully the task bar and the way the settings/"charms" are in that super tiny hamburger menu at the top left.

I'm not against the hamburger at all, and it works fine within apps, but not like that on the menu bar of apps. And the taskbar speaks for itself


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Nov 12, 2012
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But I assume that there will be more touch friendly additions on the way...hopefully the task bar and the way the settings/"charms" are in that super tiny hamburger menu at the top left.

I'm not against the hamburger at all, and it works fine within apps, but not like that on the menu bar of apps. And the taskbar speaks for itself. Though to be fair, you don't really need to use it in tablet mode anyway (or at all for that matter if you choose not to)


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May 11, 2013
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I agree.
MS mistake/s was it arrogance, stupidity and lack of vision. They ignored developers, instead of advanced WM they throw it away like they didn't care ( actually they didn't). But now WP it's part of MS ecosystem and like Mr. Nadella said WP is here to stay.

It's not that simple, a company is not "arrogance" or "Stupid". it is not a person, it's a group and complex amount of people. Their delay on the market it's nobody's fault. All the fights that Windows Phone has been struggling with its the punishment for the platform being "late" in the market. This happen with every other product or company being the last one in pushing new and better products into the market.

That's how business.Works, if you don't push in, then you're out. If you're late, then push really hard and fight against the enviaroment

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