After a week with Redstone and the new firmware, it's a nice release, but not as stable as .107 can be
but it's a bit faster than .107.
I had a lot of problem with the GPS apps Sygic, and with the Mobile Data in general when I needed to
roam (I'm with Videotron and when I need to get on PRTNRT1 network, the roaming option must be On).
If I needed to turn off the Mobile Data, the phone freezes, needs a hard reboot, same thing if I want to
get into the SIM settings.
When I'm on Videotron network and no roaming, everything is fine... go figure... !
All the other apps are still working properly, but I don't know about Cortana, since I'm not a
great fan of talking to my phone...
I can keep this release for now, I don't see any show stopper personally.