W10M Insider Preview 14342 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Inactive)

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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Anyone else having the problem with if you are on the phone and remove it from your face, the screen sometimes stays black (i.e. you should normally see the phone commands, etc, and instead nothing is there but the phone is working)?

950XL single Sim here...
I get that about 95% of the time with this build (ICON). It's been and on again off again issue with W10 for me.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Several apps work for a short time then crash back to the start-screen, this didn't happen in the lat build but is in this one. "MSN News" being one of the apps doing this... Annoying when you're trying to catch up with the Egypt-Air plane situation as it's quite a long article now, and when you reopen the article after it crashes, you have to try and find the point you were up to as it shows the article from the very top again. Grrr.

On my ICON the MSN app shows as "Pending" in the app list and if I click the icon it links me to the app in the store where, after a brief pause it shows me the "Launch" button. Clicking Launch from the store opens the app. Go figure...
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I would love to know how to do this as well. It locked down with the insider preview
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

There are loads of posts with solutions about the battery drain issues, the main one being that you need to change the feedback level to basic, this fixed it for me and many others.

Speccy ,they fooled us, now that's impossbile lowering feedback level in Fast Ring
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Speccy ,they fooled us, now that's impossbile lowering feedback level in Fast Ring

Bugger, sorry about that then. That was the fix for me when I had the L930. On the L950 now, but although it doesn't have the very much more serious battery drain issue, it does drain faster than it did on the last build :(
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Same problem on my Lumia 640 :(

b attery drain and overheating inn this build is ridiculous. Whether I am in airplane mode, cellular data off, whatever... doesn't matter.

Phone is always hot and draining battery. Never had this problem on any other build unit I updated to 4342.

Lumia 640.

Oh and still don't get app icons in action center.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Nice investigation. Did you got disabled Video Upload in OneDrive already, when Photo upload was enabled and draining?

I did confirm that if I am signed out from my OneDrive account on Photos App, you do not get the ability to have photos and/or videos uploaded at the time they are taken.
So for now, I have that turned off for the reasons I stated before.
Now running next test: Signed into OneDrive account, turned on auto upload from camera, turned OFF Video upload.
98% battery at 2:07pm.
will just run typical day of few emails, text messages for next couple of hours and see how the battery drain is and will report those findings.

Update: 2:27pm. Battery at 77% now. I have camera app configured to upload photos to One Drive (upload videos turned off). Took 4 screen shots of the task manager (carousel) showing 12 apps in that screen (kind of like it stacking the screen images 2x2 and then swipe to see the next 2x2, etc). Check in Photos App that I am still signed out in that App and confirmed that yes, I am still showing as signed out in the Photos App (which kind of seems odd since I had to turn it back on in the Camera app to allow the auto upload of image after snapping the photos).
No Emails have come in, No new Text Messages. No Internet surfing. Just whats listed above. seems pretty high drain for only 20 minutes (20 minutes and loose 20% battery??????).

Update: 3:31pm. Battery 33% now. 8 emails viewed on device, 1 replied, 1 text incoming and 1 text replying. Emails and Texting all did proper notification (banner and sound). At this point, I will sign out of OneDrive on the Camera App and try and get the battery back up to 100%.
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

anyone else having issues with the sounds from the speaker (notification sounds) becoming all 'cracky' sounding?
It seems to be happening at about same time the HIGH cpu usage is happening so I have been chalking that up to being the issue.

just wanted to see if others have noticed that as well.

Lumia Icon
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I am not noticing the battery drain problem at all. If anything, I might even have slightly better battery performance (950XL dual SIM)

Couple of issues with this build, main one being battery drain is noticeably worse, the second issue was I opened a text message this morning (the only one that was waiting to be read), when I had read it, the Messaging tile and lock-screen both indicated that there was 46 new text messages, obviously untrue. Just left it and it did sort itself out at some point during the day.

Battery drain is not good though. Been off charge for around 15 hours and only 24% left, for the amount I've used it today, it would normally have more remaining that that.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Did have a weird sound happen the once today, think it was just as it started ringing, didn't think much of it, but only had a couple of calls today, so it may be a bigger issue than just the one-off I experienced, time will tell. Biggest issue for me is apps crashing back to the start-screen after about a minute.
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

My battery has actually been pretty good so far on dual sim 950xl.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)


I lost a bunch of photos after update.
The story goes, my phone updated while I was holidaying in Hawaii, the update didn't work, the nokia & Windows boot logo display and I end up with the black screen.
So nothing I could do until I got home. I use the recovery software, I didn't do a restore, I went for the clean install since most of the backups are months old. I Installed windows insider and got to the latest fast insider update.
The odd thing is a lot of photos are missing, I've done this previously and all photos have been there. I normally set storage to the SD card, now I'm wondering If I didn't do it last time and the photos I took where saved to the devices memory.
I'm guessing thats the case and I am screwed at retriving the photos. I did manually upload some to onedrive, but kicking myself I didn't do the lot.
I guess there is no way I getting them back ?
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Can't deal with having a pocket warmer any longer. Using WDRT to go back to 318.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I would hang on for few more days, I am sure MS will have another build out to fix this.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I can't even install this build! It doesn't appear on Phone Updates page. Waited, waited, changed my ring to Slow, stopped Insider builds, restarted getting Insider builds.... I'll do a hard reset , think it will help. Another solution?
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

It's a bad build, I'd wait for the next one.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I don't have battery issues, however all my live tiles stopped working, including the notifications on my lockscreen. 950XL
Here is why switched back to windows 8.1 from windows 10 mobile

Okay microsoft decided to release preview builds before official release of windows 10. what a great news, perhaps microsoft tricked us. Micirosoft wanted to cut the human resource which they were using for building windows 10 os. So how did they do that? here is what they came up with, let's fire the testing team and recruit widows users as our new testers and name them as "windows insiders" wow cool! mind blown! what a brilliant idea mircosoft, kudos ! I was excited when the first build was released and waited for two or three builds to become stable to use it as my daily driver. After two or three builds i coudn't resist myself to the new features and did a biggest mistake of life by signing in as windows insider. I never complained about until 14342, although i had faced many serious basic problems with this piece of new crap OS.
Here is how it went.
Build one- Wow new features, all apps still working fine.
Build two- here maps gone , her drive + gone."OFFLINE" those were the heart for choosing windows phone. Then came windows maps. CRAP.
Build three-glance screen gone - One of the main reason i still prefer windows phone.
Build four- frequently used apps not opening at all. uninstall reinstall,use , hang. uninstall reinstall ,use, hang. repeat.
here it comes why dont i just roll back to windows 8? yes. lets do it. downloaded WRRT plugged in. BOOM! it doesnt work. it doesn.t work for a millionth time. it doesnt even detect my device.
Build five- glance screen back- but it doesnt work as flawless as in windows 8. proximity sensor never exist in windows 10 . forget about brightness settings.!!
Build six-Toggling mobile data hangs the phone. Restart, soft reset, restart, soft reset, switch off switch on, repeat.
Finally WRRT was updated for a zillionth time and it worked, it worked, god bless you microsoft.
Hell with windows 10.! i am back to windows denim update 2 and i am falling in love with my mobile again and again.
windows 10 mobile sucked my life.
Sorry for posting here. This forum UI sucks too. although I love my windows mobile with only windows 8 denim update 2. :smile:
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I must confess, my Lumia 1520 has now become stable after a couple of calibration on the battery. I once got a random boot and now it's all ok. It functioning now as the official release. No heating, excessive battery drain, random booting. Except occasional background crashes of apps. It's now cool to jump in if you would want to try and just be patience. Do some battery calibrations to stabilize the battery. I give it 7.5 compared to 8.1 and 9 when compared to the official 10 release in terms of stabilization.
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