Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)
Nice investigation. Did you got disabled Video Upload in OneDrive already, when Photo upload was enabled and draining?
I did confirm that if I am signed out from my OneDrive account on Photos App, you do not get the ability to have photos and/or videos uploaded at the time they are taken.
So for now, I have that turned off for the reasons I stated before.
Now running next test: Signed into OneDrive account, turned on auto upload from camera, turned OFF Video upload.
98% battery at 2:07pm.
will just run typical day of few emails, text messages for next couple of hours and see how the battery drain is and will report those findings.
Update: 2:27pm. Battery at 77% now. I have camera app configured to upload photos to One Drive (upload videos turned off). Took 4 screen shots of the task manager (carousel) showing 12 apps in that screen (kind of like it stacking the screen images 2x2 and then swipe to see the next 2x2, etc). Check in Photos App that I am still signed out in that App and confirmed that yes, I am still showing as signed out in the Photos App (which kind of seems odd since I had to turn it back on in the Camera app to allow the auto upload of image after snapping the photos).
No Emails have come in, No new Text Messages. No Internet surfing. Just whats listed above. seems pretty high drain for only 20 minutes (20 minutes and loose 20% battery??????).
Update: 3:31pm. Battery 33% now. 8 emails viewed on device, 1 replied, 1 text incoming and 1 text replying. Emails and Texting all did proper notification (banner and sound). At this point, I will sign out of OneDrive on the Camera App and try and get the battery back up to 100%.