So, I hate the new Glance: sloooow, and without some important icon like BATTERY and vibro
Another terrible step backward. I just don't get it. It seems to me that the code they use is such a mish mash of hacks that anytime they modify anything the whole thing turns to ****e.
I get that we are testing software here, but I just don't understand why it doesn't get incrementally better. Its almost like someone decides to purposely sabotage it just as it starts to become useful.
This update is the next step backward in the 1 step forward 3 steps back dance that MS are doing with this mobile os. It has turned my L930 into an unusable pocket hand warmer for the full 10 minutes it can power itself.
Its draining so fast it wont even charge, and its not caching or whatever bs that is. Its been on the charger since I installed the update last night (14 hours ago) and is at 7%.
YAY :evil:
Text scaling effects Edge now, which should not be the case. Edge has its own scaling, but it seems over-written by what your Text scaling is in the phone settings. I have to have Text Scaling down to 100% on my 1520 for websites to display correctly. The problem with this is the phone text at the lowest setting is way too small.
Before this build, I always had Text Scaling higher and it never affected websites in Edge.
Can anyone else confirm that this isnt just a problem I am having?
Yes, I'm seeing this on my Lumia 535. I have Text set to 120% under Ease of Access because W10M is unreadable otherwise, and now Edge looks like it was coded by Fisher Price....
Where are the text scaling option within Edge itself?
Glad I gave up on Redstone on phone (950XL) until Release Preview. It's still too much of a mixed bag. And reading here it looks like I made the correct choice...