W10M Insider Preview 14342 Discussion (Redstone Branch, Inactive)

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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this. On my AT&T Lumia 1520 I'm noticing ridiculous battery drain. I had briefly used the phone with Edge for 15 min or so and went from 100 to 93 during that time. Put my phone down and came back an hour later and it was at 78%. Even with battery saver and all apps closed out the battery has gone down 4% or so in 10 minutes. Unfortunately I'm probably gonna have to go back. :eck:

Check your battery stat, mine 1520 also same issue, detected it's Cortana app issue, disable Cortana background running and the drain gone.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Complete loss of Quick Actions for me! Seriously MS? Guess I need to hard reset and start all over. Not very happy at all and getting tired of all this half finished bug filled build crap!! :eck:

Then revert to the public builds. You want the latest beta builds, but are complaining that they are buggy.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Check For Updates not working in the new version of the store. 950 XL

Mark, did you update the STORE APP after OS update. I ask because after updating the OS, I went to Store>Downloads and Updates; and listed is an update for Store.....BUT, it says Waiting for Wi-Fi, and the download arrow (at right on the row) is "X"d out.

have not pulled the trigger yet.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Lumia Icon
Massive battery drain.
Battery usage by app shows Microsoft Health 47%, managed by Windows, Cortana 24% managed by Windows in last 24hrs.
Microsoft Health hasn't been this high on any other build I have had installed on this device.
I have my Band 2 on and linked to it but like I said before, last build it was just fine, MS Health was around 15% when looking at last 24hrs.

anyone else seeing this?

its bad enough I have to either turn MS Health OFF from background or let phone just die. plugged in or wireless charger, neither one are keeping up know with the battery drain

device is getting so hot can barely hold it now.

I'm experiencing the same thing since updating my Lumia 830 last night. Just a few hours after the install, my battery was nearly dead, with Microsoft Health and Cortana showing about 45% each over the last 6 hours. After charging it again this morning, Health now shows 84% usage. I've turned off background for Health to see if the battery drain stops, but there is definitely a problem here. Maybe the update to Health due later this week will fix the problem.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

App like Spotify, 9gag and many other cannot be open. They give me "9GAG can't be opened. An app update mat be available in the Store"

Any suggestions for a solution?

Reinstall every app with this problem!
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

bbc.co.uk/news , make sure it's the mobile site, then click on Sections to get a drop down list.

And then laugh !

Yah it's kinda big, but hey, at least you can see it :P I think that's the purpose of increasing the font size. But I guess having a separate setting within Edge would be much nicer.

Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

bbc.co.uk/news , make sure it's the mobile site, then click on Sections to get a drop down list.

And then laugh !

I wish they would just incorporate Pinch to Zoom In & Out, and leave the text sizing alone.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

The "Check for Updates" button is no longer functional for me with latest Store application and Redstone OS update. I updated the Store application BEFORE updating the OS. Not sure if that is what made the difference. Regardless, sucks not to be able to manually check for updates. :/
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

took for a little test drive a while ago, some observations (950XL):

Maps was spot on to the foot (as I drove through the neighborhood, I could spot my positions via the turns I made).
Battery drain was at 93% after an hour and a half (maps ON for about 10 mins).
Temperature: Very good
Cortana seems to be working (with Bluetooth OFF).
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Anyone get text to speech working? I lost it in the last build and it's still not working. I have it set to wired and Bluetooth but it doesn't work. 950 XL US
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Ive restored via WDRT, can someone tell me which option I choose to get 10586 in Windows Insider app please?

Ive persisted with all sorts of issues throughout the builds but unfortunately this build rendered my 930 unusable :(
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Looks normal to me, and I can pinch to zoom (950XL).

PepperdotNet, yes, you are correct; I can pinch and zoom MOST things (950XL, also), I guess I was just reacting to a feedback request from MSFT regarding the Action Screen's readability, that was what was on my mind regarding the pinch to zoom, that way my lazy, blind a** would have to find my reading glass":^)

Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

Must be lucky, I'm not having any of the issues reported by others. 950, install went as quick or quicker than normal, phone is running cool, all apps are opening fine.

I did a hard reset on the last build but not on this one. So far so good.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

This is the build i've been waiting for. They finally fixed the nuances that have been driving me CRAZY the last 3-4 releases. (random shut off's, phone freezing when i got text on a locked screen [private messages were enabled] and accidentally double pressing the power button causing all-around funkiness). Thank you for returning stability to redstone!
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

This is the build i've been waiting for. They finally fixed the nuances that have been driving me CRAZY the last 3-4 releases. (random shut off's, phone freezing when i got text on a locked screen [private messages were enabled] and accidentally double pressing the power button causing all-around funkiness). Thank you for returning stability to redstone!

They will reverse all those positive things you are experiencing in the next build, true to form.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I'm having the exact same issue on my Lumia Icon. Very unsettling that the battery is gone in less than 3 hours with almost no use at all. :angry:
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14342 Issues (Redstone branch)

I'm having the exact same issue on my Lumia Icon. Very unsettling that the battery is gone in less than 3 hours with almost no use at all. :angry:

Welcome to the world of 950xl
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