W10M Insider Preview 14361 Discussion (Redstone Branch, inactive)

Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Hi Maurizio -

I have tried all of the options: always, Bluetooth, etc. No luck with any of them.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Cortana -> Hamburger -> Notebooks -> Settings -> Read incoming messages

Hey Maurizio, thanks for the reminder.

my Settings (950XL) are no longer under Cortana > Hamburger > Notebooks >

have been moved to: Cortana > Hamburger > Settings (bottom left of screen)
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Hi Maurizio -

I have tried all of the options: always, Bluetooth, etc. No luck with any of them.

Did you try turning your Bluetooth OFF? I know if I my Bluetooth is on it will mute a lot of announcements (this also changes with the builds).
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

mtf1380- I had not tried with Bluetooth off because I use that to connect to my Band 2. Anyways, no difference. I do receive the alert toast message and sound effects, just not Cortana kicking in and asking to read or ignore the message.

Tried doing a soft reset (volume down + power) and the first message was read by Cortana. Hopefully this will stay. Thanks for your help everyone!
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Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Works fine on my lumia 1520 (Daily driver). I haven't ha any restarts or anything messy.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Don't know if this preceded this build or not but, I like its performance regardless:

Using Cortana with Bluetooth ON:

PRESS the little microphone > "Sorry about that, I didn't hear anything" (Unless, of course, your speaking through a BT device)


SAY :"Hey Cortana" (still with Bluetooth ON) > the screen responds with text asking what she can do for you > your inquiry (as you speak) is transcribed in the text box > the request is then answered, in a written form.

Pretty nice feature IMO!
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

So far the only issues I have run into are:

*Instagram not launching
*Store is pretty slow

I do notice that windows boots much quicker. Anyone else notice this?
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Hey Chintan:), No, its not that I didn't want to use the screens Camera Button, my problem was; if I held the phone right-side up (the screen's Camera Button was either on the bottom [Portrait], or on the right [Landscape] of the screen), I could not hold the phone and push the camera button with the same hand:( - NOW, I realized that if I hold the phone up-side down, the camera button is on the TOP of the screen (left side when in landscape) and I can hold the phone and get to the camera button with the same hand. My revelation is: that regardless of how I held the phone (Right-side up or down, "EXTERNAL" independent camera button up/down) the pictures came out right side up in the gallery. WHOA!

If your question was with regards to the "EXTERNAL" independent camera button: damn good question!":^) - best answer: with the method above, I feel I have a little better grip when reaching my phone through a crowd, can see more screen when using my finger, instead of my thumb, and can direct the focus with my finger, prior to taking a picture.

I meant the dedicated button.But I guess everyone has their preferences.

Photos orienting themselves the right way has been around for a while, even on 8.1 I think
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

I got my brightness issues fixed in the last build, but this build has again brought back battery issues for my 640. Battery draining faster than the last build.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

I got my brightness issues fixed in the last build, but this build has again brought back battery issues for my 640. Battery draining faster than the last build.

Please check again backgroun apps, most came back to allowed. And let phone stabylize caching and sync a day, that's the most performing build since now, even there's the dual sim iussue yet
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Regarding the 950XL's failure to recognize the charger:

Last night it dawned on me that I might be in the habit of connecting the cable to the phone first, then to the outlet. When I reversed the order (outlet first, then phone) no problem - just 1 time though - It did inspire me to check the User's Guide and this is how they instruct the user to connect: 1. outlet, 2. phone.

Hope this will take care of my charging problem. Only time will tell.

This has not been my issue, as I always connect outlet first, then charger. I can say that the problem is worse on this build (although early days yet). I had to restart my phone twice this morning as it did not recognize the car charger the two times I tried to use it. Had to restart both times to get it to work.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

CCPlayer pro now doesn't play video in landscape mode (well, it plays, but screen stays black. If I put it on pause/switch to portrait, everything works). This problem started after upgrading ccplayer to UWP version, the bug was present on previous preview build too. I've submitted the bugreport to developer, but he answered that it's a problem in preview builds.
Airplane mode is still broken.
But overall, last two builds are very stable and fast.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Monster battery drain (I lost 30% over the night with battery saver on) and the phone got really warm without me even doing anything on it during the day (Lumia 640 XL).
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

This has not been my issue, as I always connect outlet first, then charger. I can say that the problem is worse on this build (although early days yet). I had to restart my phone twice this morning as it did not recognize the car charger the two times I tried to use it. Had to restart both times to get it to work.

That's a shame, I had my fingers crossed.

I did find a forum that lists this behavior specificially, It has not had much action lately (expect me), we might want to rekindle it: http://forums.windowscentral.com/microsoft-lumia-950-xl/417129-950-xl-not-charging.html
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Similar to Maurizio, it doesn't matter the setting, Cortana will not read incoming texts.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

I got my brightness issues fixed in the last build, but this build has again brought back battery issues for my 640. Battery draining faster than the last build.

My guess is this is going to keep happening on these builds as they try to perfect the syncing mechanism with cortana. Try turning off the device syncing and likely it will help battery. You can also turn off "Hey Cortana" if you don't use it.

And turn off NFC "tap to share", "tap to pay". No need for them to be on since unlikely you use them. You know... we don't have a payment system.

Similar to Maurizio, it doesn't matter the setting, Cortana will not read incoming texts.

Do you have location on? Weird question. They seem to have disabled the requirement for location but I think there are some things that still rely on it.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Same here. Cortana is broken, and has been for several builds. I refuse to believe Microsoft tests very much before they pump out these updates.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

@swanlee - You should have tried a Hard Reset first. Might have fixed all of your problems. If you have issues with a build when other builds have worked fine a Hard Reset should be tried before anything else. I know it is a pain but we are on a Beta OS and we are supposed to be trying to help iron out the bugs. A Hard Reset has always fixed any issues that I have had on any Insider builds and I have been in the program since day one.

This is just my experience but it is worth a shot if you are having problems.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

I'm sorry Cortana doesn't read messages, all other functions are awesome fast now, hope they are working on something new about istant reading.

OT: text prediction is awesome now
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

950xl in UK. No issues seen yet. Updated very quickly and I have not had to hard reset either. Apps d/l properly, Fitbit connected straight away.

Quite impressed. This branch has been steaming along compared to threshold....

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