W10M Insider Preview 14361 Discussion (Redstone Branch, inactive)

Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

I have just updated from 13456 to 134561, I have found no issues on my 950xl single sim

I did hardware reset the device on last build lets see after a few days if any peculiar issues.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

after update to this build I did hard reset, and yes store is being weird, There's no update for all pre installed apps, so I should search one by one and update the apps, any workaround?
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Update my L950 yesterday. Dowloaded in 20mins and installation in 30min. No issues yet.
Performance is better than previous build (which was also good).

No problems with any app, even store is working fine. Only thing noticed: edge is using pretty much battery.
Battery lifetime for me (moderated user) is 1d 4h
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Word Flow has always worked great and is a godsend feature for me. Are you guys doing it right? Don't peck; just glide over each letter in smooth motion without lifting your finger. I don't even need to be accurate either and it recognizes the intended word for me.

word flow on W10M isn't as good as in 8.1. For example I carefully swiped the word "have" and it swipes gave. I repeated this 10 times in a row. I have to start my finger almost at the right edge of the letter "h" to get "have". This is the main issue I believe, the boundaries of the letters are shifted somewhat to the right. Possibly due to adding the pointer feature
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Exactly. My wife and I both agree, Word Flow on the 950 with W10M is absolutely UNUSABLE.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Exactly. My wife and I both agree, Word Flow on the 950 with W10M is absolutely UNUSABLE.

I wouldn't say absolutely but it's say, 15-20% worse compared with on 8.1. It misses a lot more words, especially the simpler ones rather than the longer ones
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

word flow on W10M isn't as good as in 8.1. For example I carefully swiped the word "have" and it swipes gave. I repeated this 10 times in a row. I have to start my finger almost at the right edge of the letter "h" to get "have". This is the main issue I believe, the boundaries of the letters are shifted somewhat to the right. Possibly due to adding the pointer feature

Hmm, I just tried and it's the opposite for me. I try to swipe "gave" but it kept giving me "have"! LOL. But get this, looking at the suggested words above keyboard as I swipe, I can tell it does recognizes the first letter as g initially and keeps it like that for "gav" and then switches to "have" as soon as I end my swipe at "e". So it seems it applies a secondary algorithm on top. Perhaps it applies some sort of probability logic based on frequency of words? One thing I remember when they launched Word Flow is that it "learns" your swipe pattern (bad or good) and tries to adapt to it for improved accuracy over time. Maybe that's in play here as well.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Not sure if anyone else has experienced this but I seem to loose more battery with Location off than on. I have done the test over the last four nights and with location off I loose about 50-70% overnight whereas with location on I only loose about 8-12%. Running this on Lumia 950XL.

When location has been on battery life has been good with last few builds.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Hmm, I just tried and it's the opposite for me. I try to swipe "gave" but it kept giving me "have"! LOL. But get this, looking at the suggested words above keyboard as I swipe, I can tell it does recognizes the first letter as g initially and keeps it like that for "gav" and then switches to "have" as soon as I end my swipe at "e". So it seems it applies a secondary algorithm on top. Perhaps it applies some sort of probability logic based on frequency of words? One thing I remember when they launched Word Flow is that it "learns" your swipe pattern (bad or good) and tries to adapt to it for improved accuracy over time. Maybe that's in play here as well.

I might be confused about the words, maybe it's left shifted and not right; don't have my phone with me right now to test (still looking for the thief)

Even with learning on, it gets marginally better but not for the short common words
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Not sure if anyone else has experienced this but I seem to loose more battery with Location off than on. I have done the test over the last four nights and with location off I loose about 50-70% overnight whereas with location on I only loose about 8-12%. Running this on Lumia 950XL.

When location has been on battery life has been good with last few builds.

that's something really weird

Check in settings >privacy >location - what apps can access location and disable those you don't need like word. probably some app keeps sending location requests and that uses a lot of processing power when no results are forthcoming
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Instead crying, and forgetting you joined a beta o.s. instead of final official Win10 update, did you tried uninstall and reinstall in device instead of sd?

Remember, app developers must update their apps and making them compatible with Win10, not MS surely

I totally agree with you in that aspect being an insider fast is a risky business. My point of view is that in June 2016 the OS should have been polished on even new builds. Hopefully we will reach a point where satisfaction will be reached (even for they who are crying)
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Some privacy settings keep crashing here.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

just updated the Instagram app and it seems working
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

I too have a 535 DS but I'm on TH branch. Can I use the new RS build on my 535 as a daily driver? Whats your advise?
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

that's something really weird

Check in settings >privacy >location - what apps can access location and disable those you don't need like word. probably some app keeps sending location requests and that uses a lot of processing power when no results are forthcoming
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

I too have a 535 DS but I'm on TH branch. Can I use the new RS build on my 535 as a daily driver? Whats your advise?

Still iussues under investigation with dual sim data carrier
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

System-msft apps cannot be found when store update auto or manual is done
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

Not really a big issue as the battery life with location on has been great in last few builds. Disabling location by app can become more of an issue every time you open an app you get asked whether you want it back on or you need to go in manually to make something work.

Just something I thought was strange as I disabled it thinking it would preserve battery. Enjoying the new builds as stability has improved dramatically.
Re: W10M Insider Preview 14361 Issues (Redstone Branch, Fast Ring)

1)Wifi is very unstable, disconnects every 20-30 min and either reconnects or cannot connect
2)Store is very slow to begin downloading between apps
3)Chronos calendar is screwed with new build or outlook calendar
Agreed, WiFi is unstable and disconnects on my 950 XL DS. To reconnect takes a reboot. If I just toggle WiFi off/on an don't reboot, it never sees any access points.
My Store sees to work fine. On the last build it was borked.
I use Outlook calendar and it seems to work fine.

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