W10M is dying right in front of my eyes :-(

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Oct 6, 2016
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Might be a way of tapping into an Ocean of Apps. Long winded but it might just work. Depends on the "new device" capability and if its actually running Full windows etc.

Long Syntax

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Jul 3, 2012
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[FONT=&quot]I'm waiting for the announcement that W10M is being discontinued due to limited use, similar to the recent Minecraft PE announcement or Apps corner. Of course the declining use is of their own making but MS will not acknowledge that inconvenient truth.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I intended this as just a humorous jab at MS, but reading through it once more it's not really a crazy idea - shutting down W10M in favor of waiting for full Win10 on arm. Don't kid yourself, they'd do it.[/FONT]


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May 16, 2016
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And then next year sometime they'll announce that surface phone which will use completely new tech essentially starting over yet again. :eck:


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Oct 6, 2016
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I agree with you, I can see that happening but I think they might be continuing the W10M for the next device or what I have come to believe is that W10M is being used to Gap an expanse of time, The current devices including the x3 and Idol 4s are simply stop gaps to get to the windows on Arm thing then quietly discontinued. Unless MS manage to turn things around, I agree that this is MS own making and I think that its the people defending the product on this thread that wont acknowledge the truth. There is so much potential simply slipping through MS's fingers.


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Sep 28, 2014
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I agree with you, I can see that happening but I think they might be continuing the W10M for the next device or what I have come to believe is that W10M is being used to Gap an expanse of time, The current devices including the x3 and Idol 4s are simply stop gaps to get to the windows on Arm thing then quietly discontinued. Unless MS manage to turn things around, I agree that this is MS own making and I think that its the people defending the product on this thread that wont acknowledge the truth. There is so much potential simply slipping through MS's fingers.

I think you are partially right. I believe a Windows mobile device in a couple years will look different than it does now. Does that mean there will be no mobile devices? No, not necessarily. Microsoft is looking to the future and attempting to create it. Nothing lasts forever and they realize that. Android and ios will not last forever. It would be irresponsible of them to stick their feet in the mud and just keep things as is. It makes the future seem very hazy but I think, if we keep confident, it will be very interesting and hopefully successful.

Sent from my Alcatel Idol 4S


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Nov 16, 2013
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I agree with you, I can see that happening but I think they might be continuing the W10M for the next device or what I have come to believe is that W10M is being used to Gap an expanse of time, The current devices including the x3 and Idol 4s are simply stop gaps to get to the windows on Arm thing then quietly discontinued. Unless MS manage to turn things around, I agree that this is MS own making and I think that its the people defending the product on this thread that wont acknowledge the truth. There is so much potential simply slipping through MS's fingers.

The downturn in Windows for Mobile is not the point being defended here. Numbers don't lie, since Windows Phone 8 the downturn started.

The point being missed is Microsoft has a snowball's chance in hell of ever grabbing back what it had for Market share, let alone steal some of the Android/Apple pie, pushing forward with a same old thing way of thinking.

Microsoft has raised the White flag on "Phone", it's one of the reasons why they started putting out Office Apps to Android/Apple. Just make no mistake on the other platforms Office apps are just that "Apps". Not a full feature Suite.

Step back for a second and look at the whole picture, and then start to pull in the information Microsoft has let out. In a way Microsoft has a task ahead almost equal to that of Gates and Balmer way back in the day. Building DOS into Windows, pick away at the mind set in the business world and the consumer market will take notice. They can't make head way in phones......but they can with something that has Phone features.

Windows on Arm is a major key to this, the soon to be Adaptive Shell is another key. Windows RT was in part practice for the Windows on Arm. Just as Continuum to Windows 10 for Mobile is now. Add in the knowledge they gained with Surface Book and how to best sync up a Secondary GPU. Also think if it works for GPU it can be used for CPU
Now take a look at the Newest baby in the Surface line the Surface Studio......A Screen on Roids with sub par hardware in the base. Most look at it and think....." How can that knock off the Mac Pro?" Truth it can't but it was not meant to, it's a dry run for something new.

Take a closer look at it's base, do you not notice just how much it looks like a beefed up Continuum Dock for the Lumia 950/950XL???

The term SKU is going to become important this year, as what ever the Surface Phone will be, it is not going to be just a phone.

Surface Phone ( or what ever they call it ) will be the heart of your daily connected life.

This does not mean Windows on a Phone is going away for good, it's just going to take a new form, with an ability to change into something else based off of want you need it to do.

Hint: A Surface Book that has most of the Motherboard taken away with just battery and a GPU and CPU, who knows maybe a side port the phone slides into, or just connects via USB C. However now none of the chips are x86 but Arm. Battery life for days, plus powerful chips to run full on Windows 10.

Whats to say the phone can't hand off to an Intel i7 type studio device on a desk, with the phone basically acting mainly as the HDD ( not as likely but not imposable, as full Windows 10 runs on my Acer W3 32Gig with still 13 Gig free)

Microsoft said they will be cutting into new ground starting this year, and if Mobile Windows is to see a future it has to play a major part in the new ground.
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Aug 1, 2014
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I unfortunately agree, My wife's 930 is a great phone but it is becoming unreliable because the apps are getting outdated for the new W10 updates. The issues are now becoming serious because call handling is affected, I think it will need to be changed for S7 in a few months when they come down in price.

Here are a few more reasons why it is dying: Developers not interested anymore, Xamarin not really set up for UWP, the fantastic bing maps - sold off to Uber, no Band 3, Android V6 (Marshmallow) dramatically improved and can be set-up similar to a WP. As I said above the S7 or similar device acts as a perfect upgrade to the 930. Microsoft have given up on WPM the ecosystem for consumers.

Mark F24

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Oct 12, 2014
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And get in the habit of reading some tech news. You're NOT a techie if you don't keep up with the news.:winktongue:

Peace. Alan
Galaxy S7Edge [MM6.0.1] Full Dresser
Lumia ICON [Win10M 15007.1000] Sportster
Even when I lose, I win.

Any suggestions on tech news sources Alan?


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Nov 20, 2016
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Microsoft said they will be cutting into new ground starting this year, and if Mobile Windows is to see a future it has to play a major part in the new ground.

I think your post makes a lot of sense. Where I would see a clear future for mobile is a situation where we want better battery life, and where Windows on ARM leads to more development of UWP apps. With more development of UWP apps there's more to leverage for mobile.


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Nov 20, 2016
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The dropping sales and the reports of people leaving cant be ignored, its a fact.

Well, we can look at those figures and talk about them, and once we do that then we can see if indeed they are facts and what it really means.

For example; I searched for sales figures and of course Google would show the most sensational figures available, which meant a figure of around 70% dropped sales (I forget the exact figure and am too lazy to search now). Similarly, the market share has shrunk. However, we have to understand what the figures possibly represent.

For example; the 70% figure represents year-over-year sales for a specific part of the year. So, while it looks bad compared to a previous year that actual point in time could be one where sales are up compared to the previous one or two quarters... or three. It's to be expected that there's at least some surge in sales when there's a bigger switch in technology. And when it comes to market share the entire market needs to be put into context as well. There have been years where MS phone sales has remained about the same but the total market grew, leaving MS with a relatively smaller share. In neither of those two cases would that information by itself unequivocally lead to the conclusion that sales had dropped or that users were leaving.

It'd be more interesting to see actual sales figures from MS on a month-by-month basis.


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Mar 30, 2016
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Honestly, from an apps perspective, if Edge were even halfway decent, I could live with using mobile websites to get around the app gap (for banking apps, etc.) But Edge, as currently constituted, just doesn't cut it for me. I can't use my bank's mobile site on Edge and there's no Windows phone app for it. So I have to use the DESKTOP site on my 950XL, which is a real pain.

If the Surface phone ever, um, surfaces and it has a browser that REALLY rocks and W10M continues to develop apace, that would be enough to keep me on the platform despite the app gap.

Can anyone use Edge browser at all? In my opinion it's not able to show any of webpages properly. When ebay app disappeared, many said that no problem, we use it with browser. But Edge shows ebay website so badly, that there is almost impossible to get anything clear.


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Oct 9, 2012
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Originally posted by Joe920
Originally Posted by maya77
I agree. Currently I'm using Monument Browser which is a lot faster and better than Edge. Try it, You'll not regret.

But if you do, don't use the ad blocker. At least for me I get tons of crashes with that on.

I have the opposite experience. On sites that crash on edge (usually ones with lots of google ads), I use monument with the ad blocker enabled and it usually prevents the site from crashing.


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Nov 20, 2014
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Can anyone use Edge browser at all? In my opinion it's not able to show any of webpages properly. When ebay app disappeared, many said that no problem, we use it with browser. But Edge shows ebay website so badly, that there is almost impossible to get anything clear.

Me. Using only Edge, both PC and Mobile, and I really like it. The only problem I have is with Facebook on PC, where it occasionally shows an error and I have to restore the site, but everything else seems to work, even if I sometimes have to reload a page...


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Oct 14, 2014
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But if you do, don't use the ad blocker. At least for me I get tons of crashes with that on.
Yes, it's buggy atm. It prevents opening articles on some portals, also blocks Xenforo input forms, so I've disabled adblocker until they fixed it.

Other than that, it's very nice app.


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Sep 28, 2014
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The company as a whole is not Failing but if something is not making money or has reduced interest to a certain level they (like a good company should) cut that part off or allow it to die off.
Nintendo signals end for Wii U - BBC News

Well, yes and no.
If you're BlackBerry, yes. You don't have the cash to hang in there for the long run so you smartly convert to a software company before you go bankrupt.
If you're Microsoft, you have enough money to do whatever you want as you are making money in other segments. You can research, plan ahead for future changes. You can help create the next best thing. That investment in the future could easily make up for lack of current sales.

Sent from my Alcatel Idol 4S
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