W10M - New Firmware Version for 950/950XL and current Problems.

I would change or add to the title of this thread something to indicate its for people on the insider preview. Insider preview builds are just that, previews. I would expect the previews to be somewhat buggy. If they were rock solid there would be no need for a preview. So its important to discuss the issues with the preview builds, but they should be kept separate from any issues with the current release build. Combining the two just seems confusing.
At this moment, it does not have any difference what W10M version 950/950XL running on, those issues still remain since stock, release version, so it does not have anything to do with the Insider program and Preview builds, because issues are mainly based on firmware/driver.
At this moment, it does not have any difference what W10M version 950/950XL running on, those issues still remain since stock, release version, so it does not have anything to do with the Insider program and Preview builds, because issues are mainly based on firmware/driver.

Maybe you should try returning your phone for a new one. I got mine about a week ago from my Local MS store and I don't seem to have any of the issues you listed. The only one I really can't comment on is the 5ghz WiFi issue since I don't have that.
Maybe you should try returning your phone for a new one. I got mine about a week ago from my Local MS store and I don't seem to have any of the issues you listed. The only one I really can't comment on is the 5ghz WiFi issue since I don't have that.

As I can see, you haven't read the post, and most probably don't even understand some of the issues at all.
I do not talk for my self or about my phone specifically, it is widely discussed issues for both 950/950XL phones and their firmware/driver. That is bizarre, that you don't have these issues, while Microsoft them selves confirmed and said that they already working on few of those, specifically Audio and Speaker issue.
Any display issues are probably due to you having it auto set the brightness and you have a glass screen protector which blocks the proximity sensor. Also the Windows Insider app has an update today where you can join the production ring. They claim this will get your production firmware for your region, and won't force you to restore your phone.
Re: W10M - New Firmware Version for 950/950XL and other.

What's the reason for x'ing out the last 5 digits of the f/w number? Just curious.
Those are different for most, depending on device, state, carrier, at this point, mostly just two last digits.
Currently on L950 .63 and newest firmware.
It would be nice to have the actual firmware version listed, and maybe post both OS and firmware versions closer to the top in bigger font.

Just got my second 950XL, updated firmware and OS, not enrolled in insider for now. So far no overheating (after OS update, music sync, app updates, during which it DID get pretty darned hot), haven't heard clicks or pops. Hey Cortana is off for now since I'm not sure if the in-call echo problem has been fixed. Battery life seems pretty bad this first day. I started the day at 100%, right now it's noonish and I'm at 49% battery charge remaining, with very little to no use. Some audio streaming in the car, that's about it. I hope it's just the OS still optimizing and indexing things in the background, because with this size battery it should be able to last a LOT longer.

Edit: hmm.. Battery Use says System 16.5%, Display 78%, Wifi 2.5%, Cell data 3.1%. Basically 80 of the battery use is due to the screen? And this is with mostly dark theme apps. I hope this is going to improve, but if it's really the screen drawing the power, I doubt things would change. I have glance set to 'always on' with no background, that can't use too much power can it?
Yes, display always is the top, mine always is about 50% to 60%, reason high resolution.
Battery will get better after few recharges, of course it depends on usage, what apps you are using, and background apps.

About firmware, at this moment there is only one firmware version, stock and the current .15506 from December.
As I can see, you haven't read the post, and most probably don't even understand some of the issues at all.
I do not talk for my self or about my phone specifically, it is widely discussed issues for both 950/950XL phones and their firmware/driver. That is bizarre, that you don't have these issues, while Microsoft them selves confirmed and said that they already working on few of those, specifically Audio and Speaker issue.

You're probably right, I probably just don't understand the issues at all. I'll just be happy in my ignorance and enjoy my 950xl which doesn't seem to have any speaker issues, plays my music library just fine with no clicks or pops, seems pretty speedy to me compared to my Lumia Icon which is what I'm comparing it to, has no problems on 2.4ghz wifi, no sd storage issues with my sandisk 64gb ultra card, battery life that lasts the entire day under morderate to more than moderate use, No problems with my qi charging pad, and screen colors that look normal to me (once again comparing with my Icon).

I see from your initial post that you are using the latest firmware with the .63 insider build (as of this post anyway) and I remember you claiming that installing insider software has no bearing on these issues. I would normally think using pre release software could cause problems in certain circumstances but thank you for correcting me. I defer to your obviously greater understanding of software and cell phones in general. I'll just consider it dumb luck that myself and many others are not having any trouble at all and the problems you mentioned are universal to all 950xl's
Just to jump in on this, my 950XL was fine(still is) until the lasted FW update and no my Glance Screen is screwed in the sense that the screen flickers(really dim) and new illuminates so the features is actually useful. I can actually see the phone trying to illuminate the screen. Has anyone else experienced this and knows a fix? If not then ill just have to disable the feature which would be a shame.
@Mr Hyde:
Should not reply, but oh well, you replied. Your post were really awkward, it really was, because you got offended, like I should be now too I guess, so I just repeat myself.
The idea, of all of this, is that these issues exist, for lot's of people, for most actually, and those listed ones, are not made by me, but by community. Speaker problem, I can really vouch that it occurs on every unit, there are just different things that causes it, a lot of things that people mentioned do not apply for me, for me, other things causes it. Audio Playback via jack, it is actual issues and could be caused by phones construction, if they did not made isolation for it, so it interfere, or it is just a firmware, tested it myself, others did, can confirm, but once again, it does not happen all the time, but high-res audio playback is worst yet, compered to other devices, talking about 92Hz, 24Bit files. but if plugging through USB adapter and via DAC or AMP, it plays perfectly. Tested multiple earphones and headphones, decent and audiophile, problem was there, but only if plugged straight to phones jack, so it is jack interference or a bad audio driver. I don't have, experience all of the issues I listed myself, SD is fine, performance fine, but if really pushed, could do better, as compered to other devices on same specs. Battery is decent, can't complain, as a heavy user. Tested both 950 and 950XL on stock OS, firmware, and on current firmware and .29, .36, .63 OS, no difference, at least at this moment on listed ones. etc.
Your last sentence, let's call it that... but you said "others" and how is that, because I say the same, but just that others have it and it is not an opinion, it is highly discussed.

Anyway, it is really late, and plus I am not good at English, so no need to brag about what is said already. I really hope we got each other, it is not about proving anything in any shape of form, it is just a list of things, in one place, that community is speaking about and going for same goal, better experience with devices we share and enjoy.
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Just to jump in on this, my 950XL was fine(still is) until the lasted FW update and no my Glance Screen is screwed in the sense that the screen flickers(really dim) and new illuminates so the features is actually useful. I can actually see the phone trying to illuminate the screen. Has anyone else experienced this and knows a fix? If not then ill just have to disable the feature which would be a shame.

Read a bit about it somewhere, some said .63 caused it, hard to say, fine on both 950/950XL with .63 and firmware. Try to find threads about it, maybe you will find answer there. Will check tomorrow again.
Read a bit about it somewhere, some said .63 caused it, hard to say, fine on both 950/950XL with .63 and firmware. Try to find threads about it, maybe you will find answer there. Will check tomorrow again.

Thanks for the reply, will look around to see if anyone else has suffered this unfortunate issue. I'll wait to see if it's fixed when the next insider build launches.
I wonder if wireless charging problems such as these can also be fixed with a firmware update. My 950XL dual sim woke me up last night with a charging on-off cycle (and charge chime + screen on-off cycle) while apparently overheating on the charger. Kind of a pain!
Got my 950 RM-1118 yesterday. Out of the box before I could update all my apps it downloaded and installed the latest build 10586.29 and FW is at 01078.00027.15506.02004.

So far the only issues I have noticed are the following:

--Screen rendering on high dpi jpg/bmp files bleeds or distorts black/deep purple when viewed by different picture capable applications (photos/one drive)
--While replying to an AT&T survey in the messaging app, it crashed in the middle and my phone vibrated maybe 50 sec straight until I opened the messaging app back up.
--I lost the ability to connect to my 5 GHz wireless, but only one time, then got it back after a reboot (occurred while on 10586.29)

Overall like the features out of the box available.

Anyone tried the Windows Insider Production option on an unlocked 950/XL for new FW updates?
Heads up, 2016 February, new firmware rolling out now, version: 01078.00038.16025.xxxxx, no change log yet.
Will check/test it tomorrow, see if any of the listed issues fixed.
Heads up, 2016 February, new firmware rolling out now, version: 01078.00038.16025.xxxxx, no change log yet.
Will check/test it tomorrow, see if any of the listed issues fixed.

Was this under the Insider App, or pushed to the public?

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