Should not reply, but oh well, you replied. Your post were really awkward, it really was, because you got offended, like I should be now too I guess, so I just repeat myself.
The idea, of all of this, is that these issues exist, for lot's of people, for most actually, and those listed ones, are not made by me, but by community. Speaker problem, I can really vouch that it occurs on every unit, there are just different things that causes it, a lot of things that people mentioned do not apply for me, for me, other things causes it. Audio Playback via jack, it is actual issues and could be caused by phones construction, if they did not made isolation for it, so it interfere, or it is just a firmware, tested it myself, others did, can confirm, but once again, it does not happen all the time, but high-res audio playback is worst yet, compered to other devices, talking about 92Hz, 24Bit files. but if plugging through USB adapter and via DAC or AMP, it plays perfectly. Tested multiple earphones and headphones, decent and audiophile, problem was there, but only if plugged straight to phones jack, so it is jack interference or a bad audio driver. I don't have, experience all of the issues I listed myself, SD is fine, performance fine, but if really pushed, could do better, as compered to other devices on same specs. Battery is decent, can't complain, as a heavy user. Tested both 950 and 950XL on stock OS, firmware, and on current firmware and .29, .36, .63 OS, no difference, at least at this moment on listed ones. etc.
Your last sentence, let's call it that... but you said "others" and how is that, because I say the same, but just that others have it and it is not an opinion, it is highly discussed.
Anyway, it is really late, and plus I am not good at English, so no need to brag about what is said already. I really hope we got each other, it is not about proving anything in any shape of form, it is just a list of things, in one place, that community is speaking about and going for same goal, better experience with devices we share and enjoy.