W10M Official Release Build 10586.318 Issues

Fix for a problem that could result in unexpected battery drain while the phone screen is off.
I am still facing the issue on my 730, my phone is Wi-Fi connected and in night time it happens all the time. Sleeps with 70-75% and wake up with 25%. Some of the apps like What'sapp,news notifications and gallery update doesn't work as expected after the update. Need a restart to perform good.

One more update I'm looking for is the calling screen, looks black/white with small size caller photo on the top, feeling proud to be owner beauty 730 :kiss: :-)

Try turning off Wifi and see? Also check and limit background apps
My flashlight is also missing in my notification center


Sent from mTalk
i felt like crying... we (the owners of *20 series) would like to thank you for this awesome update... my 925 and 1020 are running beautifully... :D
Re: W10M Insider Preview 10586.318 Issues (Threshold branch)

Cortana keeps crashing after update. It was not happening previously until updating to this build. Using a lumia 1520 on official builds not insider preview. Any help or solutions? Thanks.
This is what my screen looked like on the last 2 builds on my 640. Just perform a "soft reset" and the flashlight will return and the blank tile will populate.
No one knows when, but there will come a time when Redstone builds will be near, or at, RTM and they will get pushed down to Release Ring. At that time they should be deemed stable enough for casual users... If you need your device for a daily driver or don't have time to send Feedback then going to Release may be a good idea.

If you stay on Slow Ring and things stabilize you'll have a point in time between Redstone and Redstone 2 where you will be pretty near a convergence with Release Ring as you wait for the first Redstone 2 builds to pass through Fast Ring and drop to Slow. Then you'll get experimental builds again.

For right now, Windows Device Recovery Tool is only flashing 8.1 to models that did not launch with 10 so you would revert to 8.1 and have to enter Insider again to get Release builds: How can I recover/reset/restore my phone software?

If you have a built for W10M device, WDRT will take you to 10586.xxx and you can OTA to 10586.318 without Insider.


Thanks for you answer I should have mentioned I have a 640
I am really hopeful that this update does correct the Bluetooth audio not resuming after Cortana dismisses or ignores a text (as mentioned in release notes). That issue has been driving me nuts.
when is data usage going to be fixed? its very annoying...after upgrade it shows i am at about 70% of my monthly limit and provider says i only used about 20%...
Killed the battery life on my Lumia 640. Battery app predicts my phone will last 10 hours. Same app was previously predicting 25 hours. I know I should hard reset--that's solved my battery issues in the past--but it's pretty frustrating if I need to start from scratch every or almost every time there is an update.

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