W10M Official Release Build 10586.318 Issues

when is data usage going to be fixed? its very annoying...after upgrade it shows i am at about 70% of my monthly limit and provider says i only used about 20%...

mine is always stuck like I've never used any data since setting the limit, I have to open it like 20 times before it updates with actual usage
"Reliability of internet connection sharing (ICS) and tethering" was mentioned as one of the improvements, but still if the screen locks, other devices connected to it loses connection. Can anybody confirm this, especially L92x users? If no, have you done hard reset after upgrading to .318?

I've just tried it, as soon as screen locks it goes kaput
Wasn't there one for release preview within the past couple of weeks, .242 maybe? I am on that insider preview ring and couldn't update. Now this one is not showing up for me either.

Use the windows insider app not the one in settings page. Leave the program. Reboot. Then join back in and put yourself into release preview. It should ask you to reboot. You have to reboot right then and there and not do anything else.

Then it make take some time but you should be able to get it when checking windows update.
Use the windows insider app not the one in settings page. Leave the program. Reboot. Then join back in and put yourself into release preview. It should ask you to reboot. You have to reboot right then and there and not do anything else.

Then it make take some time but you should be able to get it when checking windows update.

I have tried that several times and it hasn't worked for me either. One thing I do notice is that unless I select fast ring or slow ring then it doesn't automatically reset the phone.
So select fast ring. After reset go back in and go to release preview. Do it before going to windows update.
Anyone else still having problems with location/turn by turn navigation? This is frustrating. It was fixed on a few builds before the official release and since then appears to be broken again. It is so sad to be the only one in a group with smartphones that can't use their gps/enabled apps. This was one of the strong points of Windows 8.X in the past (Here Maps).

Try it please and let me know. If you use Waze or Maps, the location is picked up almost immediately. But as soon as you try to get turn by turn directions in either app (also happens on Nokia Here, but since it is deprecated I am not going to talk about it) once the route is set, the phone starts saying "Can't find GPS. Try going going outdoors" or "seeking GPS". It is not the GPS because the second I stop turn by turn navigation it finds the location immediately. The location icon appears on the notification bar on top as soon as the apps are launched, so I know it is working. Besides I do have another Windows 8 phone and it gets perfect GPS signal side by side.

This happens on Lumia 1520 for sure with the last few Release Preview or Release builds. I have seen on the web others complaining about it, but if I write @gabeaul on twitter about it, he never acknowledges it, although he does answer many other issues. Can anyone else test it and if you have the same problem let's find it on the connect app and up vote it, please. See if we can bring some light onto this issue.

It might actually be your GPS, because Location can be obtained via GPS (High Accuracy) or WiFi/Mobile (Low Accuracy). It is possible that turn by turn navigation requires the more accurate GPS where as the app initial state tries GPS first then WiFi/Mobile second, and it succeeds on the second one. Something like a weather app doesn't really need GPS to locate you. So I think you would still see the Location icon even if GPS is not being used.
According to the change log, they look to have fixed the Edge freezing issue...looking forward to see if it's true. The biggest bug I have is the driving mode not switching off automatically when I have my Band 2 connected to the phone (640XL). Normally when you get off the car so off the car bluetooth connection, the driving mode should turn off automatically and it works fine unless I also have a Band connected to my phone. If I do not turn it off myself, people still getting auto replies that I am driving. Annoying bug that I have been reporting many times since last december either in feedback app, twitter, etc and radio silence from MS on this one. No soft or hard reset fixes this. Hope they will tackle this one soon and not cancelling this feature too as they are doing with wifi sense or FM radio because I think driving mode is a hell of a great feature. I am also getting some errors when sharing things from MSN News to Facebook app but most of the times the posts go through anyway. Other than that, OS is rock solid and I never lost flashlight nor having driving turn by turn directions issues or anything else. I used iOS, Android Marshmallow and Windows 10 mobile and I think W10M is the best OS of the three.
Likewise, it's very smooth on the 1020. I enjoy using Windows 10 Mobile on the 1020.
Quite frankly I'm surprised they have denied to release it on the device as of yet, I have heard that it's not even going to
ever officially receive the official build anyways! Unbelievable.........
The flashlight toggle appears in action center but does not work when touched. Flash is fine because when taking pictures works perfectly. (Lumia 640).
Some .318 observations on my unlocked Lumia 640 GoPhone-- Battery usage continues to be much worse than with 8.1. Rich HDR still very unreliable......The persistent battery problem is starting to get quite aggravating....
Did ur battery drain even ur phone. In charger. Or just me who have that problem since 218 I got that
I routinely got 2 days with my 640 when running 8.1. The usage doubled since W10 upgrades...

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