W10M Official Release Build 10586.318 Issues

For those who are having cortana issues in india try to download UK language pack, but set default language in indian english and try again. i tried with .218 and .242 build it worked perfectly without any crash on L925
Looks like my wifi hotspot (L925) is finally working under the lock screen after a hard reset on .318 and probably due to a interop unlock tweak, without having to delete old wifi networks. Although it does not works with N808 pureview (symbian phone)
On my 950XL Cortana is set to enable quiet hours every day from midnight until 7.30am, and yet quiet hours was off this morning at 6am when a notification came in. Does anyone else see issues with quiet hours?
I'm on L1520, and my battery still drains heavily. Please MS! Do something! Now it loses power even when the screen is of...
Got it on my HTC One. Huge battery drain, but after shutdown and restart it seems to be much better.
Way quiter here than some time ago. Either the majority is already on Redstone or the updates did what they were supposed to do.
Way quiter here than some time ago.
Way quieter would be good: :)

On my 950XL Cortana is set to enable quiet hours every day from midnight until 7.30am, and yet quiet hours was off this morning at 6am when a notification came in.
I agree though that the complaints seem to have gone down a bit lately. As they should, because the early 'production' builds preinstalled on the 950XL were not great..
I'm on L1520, and my battery still drains heavily. Please MS! Do something! Now it loses power even when the screen is of...

A few things you can try out:

  • Check settings >system > battery > which apps are using the most energy?
  • Again, in battery section, which apps can run in the background? Can you disable those you don't need? Keep messaging enabled to run in background
  • In battery section, you can also set up battery saver to kick in when the battery reaches a certain percentage. I keep mine on 100% so it's always on battery saver mode
  • In mail app, how often do you have mails to sync? Generally the longer the time period, the less the battery usage
  • What about brightness settings? Is it on high or auto? Auto is better than a fixed setting
  • If you finds that messaging app uses a lot of battery, this could be because it's linked with skype. Go to messaging app, settings and unlink skype
  • In photos app, do you have auto upload of photos enabled? If yes, try to not upload high res photos and videos unless you are charging the phone and on wifi
  • When you use some apps that are not data heavy like whatsapp or mail, you can use a lower network speed like 2G. It's what I do usually. I only use LTE when I have to use 6tag
  • If you're using edge for basic browsing, you could try using UC browser. Not only does it use less data but you can also disable images which means you save even more on data. The less data your phone has to receive, the less the energy used
  • In settings > privacy - check each of those settings to see which apps can use what. For example I can't understand why Word would need to access location info so I disabled that. There might be apps using services that they are not meant to use
  • Finally, keep wifi/cellular off when you don't need to have them on. The toggles in action centre are pretty fast so it doesn't take much time in switching internet on/off
  • Disable auto update of apps, you only update when you are ready and not when you are in need of critical things

Hope this helps you
additionally for battery drain, 2 more suggestions are to change ring to production after the update and also reduce telemetry/feedback quantity
as well as reduce lumia motion setting from enhanced to basic
I have 3 Window phones that are on the insider program, I have one (Nokia 520) that has the 10586.318 build. The other 2 have the Redstone build. Windows Central mentioned that the 512 MB ram phones won't be able to handle Windows 10, yet my Nokia 520 has it. I have a 32 GB SD card in the phone, don't know if that makes the difference.
Seems like older phones could get Windows 10, but not the software package that the newer phones receive. Then when the people with older phones buy newer phones, it would be an
easier transition to that new phone, software wise.
My data usage is working now on my Lumia 640 on the production build. Yay! In general, performance seems to have improved a lot. Fewer hangs, delays, and minor crashes so far.
My 950XL still has Microsoft Edge issues. Bluetooth also does not want to connect to my car anymore. Anyone have any solutions on that? My 1520 connects with no problem but my 950XL will not.
Installed overnight on my Lumia620.
So far it's been good. Not done any reset.

Can't say yet about battery life, but the previous build are a hell of a power eater. Now apears to drain less the battery and doesn't warm as before.

Overal seems more speedy. Hangs and slowdowns are now less frequent. It apears to comunicate better with facebook now, tile are more updated than before and apears to be faster.

But i couldn't test the mobile hotspot yet. I really need it fixed, for work.
Update stuck on 0%, I have soft resetted my phone numerous times, still no joy. Have connected to WiFi, 3G, 4G still not downloading. Now even the Store doesn't want to download updates to apps, stuck on "Starting Download"😐
On my 950XL Cortana is set to enable quiet hours every day from midnight until 7.30am, and yet quiet hours was off this morning at 6am when a notification came in. Does anyone else see issues with quiet hours?

My 1520 had this issue on the previous build (.218). Entering Cortana > Notebook > Quiet Hours and changing the automatic rules (days to use) and changing back seemed to solve it...
My 1520 had this issue on the previous build (.218). Entering Cortana > Notebook > Quiet Hours and changing the automatic rules (days to use) and changing back seemed to solve it...
Thanks, that's what I tried as well. Looks like something did change, because when I checked the settings, it stated 'Every day', but after manually setting it again by selecting all days, it now lists 'Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun in the 'Repeats' box, and the option 'Every day' is not available.

I just wish they had correctly carried it over, cause I sure would have liked an extra hour of sleep this morning!
My 950XL still has Microsoft Edge issues. Bluetooth also does not want to connect to my car anymore. Anyone have any solutions on that? My 1520 connects with no problem but my 950XL will not.

I think Edge has Issues. All browsers stink right now with occasional freezes, pdf issues and the like.
Regarding BT: couple of suggestions.
1- Delete your pairing on both the phone and car. Start from scratch.
2- Started a repair ticket for my band 2 BT with 950 XL after a firmware update. Long story short, after the phone updated to *.318, paired instantly.
So make sure your firmware and OS are updated.
Good Luck.

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