W8.1 Computer won't recognise W8.1 Phone


New member
Oct 5, 2014
Ever since my Lumia 525 arrived, I've had issues with connecting it to my computer (also running on w8.1).

The usb chord that it came with seems to be faulty. Won't stay connected when charging, and couldn't connect it to my computer. So I borrowed a flatmates chord for his android phone, and that seemed to be working. However, a couple of weeks ago, I started getting this error.


Re-installing drivers, using different usb ports worked at first. But now it won't connect at all. It still charges when plugged into the computer. But I can't connect my phone.

I do have a work around, as I am using an SD card. So I can plug that into my computer via an adapter to transfer my music. But that's hardly ideal and incredibly frustrating.

Any advice?
It should be a stand alone problem only for you. If the USB port is not good or the connectivity cable is not good you will get this message. My Windows 7,8, 8.1 and now 10 all identify the phone without any problem....try changing your USB cable, Always use the OEM one.
The OEM one barely worked from the get go. I can 100% assure you the USB port is not the issue. I have no issue with any other USB device, and I have tried it one each of my USB ports from my screen and computer case.

The OEM cable seems to have arrived with broken pins (or something) as I could barely get it to charge. My flatmate's one worked for a while, so it doesn't seem to be the chord or the port messing up. I could see if I could find another chord to test it, but I don't think it's the chord.
Bumping this thread too, as I have exactly the same issue with my WP8.1 Lumia 1020 on my Windows 8.1 desktop. Tried everything except fresh install of phone or desktop (deleting/reinstalling driverless, Phone software reset).

I did have issues with the connection Phone to PC with WP 8.0 as well, but I could always resolve it. With WP 8.1, I don't know what to do anymore.

To make matters worse, the Lumia1020 doesn't have an SD card, so I can't use that as a workaround option.
Unless I am still tired from working last night that is not what you say.

You say it is the cable not the port as you tested it with a friends cable and it worked, so unless you meant you then carried on using your friends....

Try the easiest option first, these cables are everywhere, try a known working one first (Preferably a Nokia one) and if it isn't the cable it must be something else.

The OEM one barely worked from the get go. I can 100% assure you the USB port is not the issue. I have no issue with any other USB device, and I have tried it one each of my USB ports from my screen and computer case.


If you are having this issue on multiple cables, and the USB port on the computer is working fine, then it must be the other end so the port on the phone or further up the chain inside the phone, either hardware or software.

If so take it back to the place you bought it from.

Having bought it online (only one electronics shop where I live, horrendously overpriced, didn't stock any Lumia's), returning is a hassle, so i'm trying to rule out every possibilty. The fact that the computer does recognise it, and know its there (hence error message) - does that not indicate that there isn't a hardware fault? And if it is a software issue, it's not something that'll be solved by returning it.
Have you tried a hard reset, then the phone will be back to factory settings (Back up any data and be prepared to re-install some stuff)

If that doesn't work it probably sounds like a hardware issue.

Have you tried a hard reset, then the phone will be back to factory settings (Back up any data and be prepared to re-install some stuff)

If that doesn't work it probably sounds like a hardware issue.


Just in case ttho is my last choice, is it possible to back up the high-res versions of my pics to OneDrive?

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