Wallpaper/Background on all screens


New member
Aug 13, 2008
I installed the background for all cab file, launched it and it worked fine. I was using a built in wallpaper. Today I tried it with a .jpg photo I downloaded to my TP2 and the new photo only shows up on lock screen and settings>all settings screen. All other screens still have the old wallpaper/background. OK, disregard everything since I. I figured out how to get that background on all screens. Go to settings>personalize>Home tab wallpaper>Animated wallpaper. Select the wallpaper on the screen or select albums at the bottom and find the background you want from photos on your device. Kind of a strange path to get this done but it works. Installed Lock Device cab today. That is a nice addition. Thanks :D:D:D
Kind of a strange path to get this done but it works.

It's because the Settings > Home page is for Windows 6.5 whereas the Home Tab Wallpaper is for Sense UI.

It's confusing for the uninitiated which is one of many reasons Microsoft has made the changes they've made.

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