Want my Yahoo calendar on WP8 phone but Outlook.com won't sync


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Sep 30, 2013
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Love my Lumia 925. But I am a holdout still using Yahoo mail and calendar. Yahoo Mail works great on the phone. Yahoo Calendar can be shared as iCal format but Outlook.com will do initial sync when you add the account to your default calendar there but then no further syncs, which means no syncing to my phone. the error message at Outlook.com is "This calendar wasn't updated because of a problem with the publisher's file. We'll try updating it again later.". apparently this is a longstanding issue between Yahoo and MS. surprised that it can't be resolved. any insights or suggestions (other than switch to google cal - no thanks).


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Nov 14, 2012
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I can understand the need to sync with Yahoo email. But what's the point insisting on Yahoo Calendar? You simply does not share calendars with anyone else. Who really cares which calendar you use anyway.

Yahoo has missed mobile boat for a long time. It has never been easy to sync with any mobile OSes without using Yahoo's own apps.


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Sep 30, 2013
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yes can export and import my calendar info from Yahoo into either desktop Outlook or Outlook.com. have considered switching the calendar and may have to do that if the issue cant be resolved otherwise. for convenience i like keeping my email and calendar in the same place - Yahoo's tabbed interface works well for mail, contacts, calendar. i know i've seen lots of endorsements for the new Outlook.com. but Yahoo has made lots of improvements too, Dropbox integration, photo handling, etc. was hoping someone might be able to offer a fix that would enable sync without a full move. it's on my short checklist of WP8 issues to resolve. thanks all.


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Nov 14, 2012
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I personally don't use Outlook.com web interface much at all. So a web interface is not important to me (although Outlook.com's is nice). My desktops are Windows 8/8.1. So keep it in Outlook.com makes everything syncs easily between desktop and phones. On old Win7 PCs, I use Outlook desktop app to sync.

Yahoo never comes through with any mobile solution. Yahoo mails routinely fail to sync back in Windows Mobile days and in my Android days as well. Don't expect any miracle in WP8.

Paul Verizzo

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Jul 20, 2013
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Hoo, boy! This topic is near and dear to me, to say nothing of the hundred hours I've spent trying to move into this new age of (Woo woo music, please,) The "Trust Us" Cloud. For fourteen years I used LookOut as my bottom line repository of contacts and calendars. Mostly because phone to PC interface programs only recognize it and a few others like Lotus Notes.

I've used Thunderbird as my POP3 email client since its inception. A few months ago I discovered the Lightning Add-on, which makes it a mini-LookOut. And there are further Add-ons to enhance Lightning. The latter is fully CalDAV and ics compatible, which of course, LookOut and Live.com are not.

I've had a Yahoo account for ten or more years, and here is how it interfaces nicely with Thunderbird. In Yahoo Calendar, you opt to Share. In the subsequent screen, there is an ics address, the upper one. Copy it. In Lightning Calendar, make a new calendar, opt for on the network, and paste in the address just copied. You can import data into this new calendar via CVS from LookOut or start from scatch.

In your phone, there is no feature to connect and synch with the Yahoo calendar. I'm not anything close to a Power User, so the free Yahoo Buddy app lets me open the calendar function just fine. I can enter a new event here and in moments it shows up on my PC.

Oh, yes, a nice benefit is that your Tasks will show up in the Yahoo calendar. Try that with Google. FAIL!

Going further, you can create a new Live.com calendar that shares the Yahoo calendar. Inexplicably, it only updates once a day at some random time. But your changes eventually get there. This calendar can then be opened in any WP calendar app.

I've never been hugely invested in the Google vs. Yahoo vs. Live wars, but I definitely find the Yahoo product better, if not best.

I hope this is constructive.

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