WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

This time my experiment worked beautifully. That's a good thing, after all it's my last productive week here. Now I can start to organize my exit and wrapping everything up ;-)

Congrats! :)
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning all.

Notice its not a "good" morning. So far nothing about it has been "good"

I hate Wednesdays.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning all.

Notice its not a "good" morning. So far nothing about it has been "good"

I hate Wednesdays.

I'm just happy I made it to Wednesday without falling asleep at my desk. It would be better if tomorrow was my last day for the week but that's not the case. :(

I used to hate Fridays when I worked in manufacturing. The planners had a tendency to want to ship everything on Friday. Then when we were busy we'd come in Saturday and Sunday anyway.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm just happy I made it to Wednesday without falling asleep at my desk. It would be better if tomorrow was my last day for the week but that's not the case. :(

I used to hate Fridays when I worked in manufacturing. The planners had a tendency to want to ship everything on Friday. Then when we were busy we'd come in Saturday and Sunday anyway.

I imagine the jet lag has worn off by now.

Ive got Friday off but todays just not been good so far. Had a cold brewing since Monday and its picked today to finally kick in with a vengeance. Rubbish train journey in as I had no signal on my phone the entire journey (thanks O2) and Wednesdays are always rubbish anyway due to progress meetings. Am quite inclined to sit in the meeting today and openly sneeze and cough to spread my germs while telling people that I haven't actually managed to progress anything since last Wednesday because last Wednesday you changed everything from the previous week.

All I want to do at the moment is go home and put some more hours in on Dota 2. Think im firmly addicted to that game after just a couple of hours playing.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I imagine the jet lag has worn off by now.

Ive got Friday off but todays just not been good so far. Had a cold brewing since Monday and its picked today to finally kick in with a vengeance. Rubbish train journey in as I had no signal on my phone the entire journey (thanks O2) and Wednesdays are always rubbish anyway due to progress meetings. Am quite inclined to sit in the meeting today and openly sneeze and cough to spread my germs while telling people that I haven't actually managed to progress anything since last Wednesday because last Wednesday you changed everything from the previous week.

All I want to do at the moment is go home and put some more hours in on Dota 2. Think im firmly addicted to that game after just a couple of hours playing.

I was in two different time zones and in very hot conditions so didn't sleep well. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. :P

Getting a cold sucks. As for meetings I hate most meetings. Progress meetings are probably the least.

Why not go home and play Dota 2? :P Unless you have some major deadline why not get some rest?
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

This time my experiment worked beautifully. That's a good thing, after all it's my last productive week here. Now I can start to organize my exit and wrapping everything up ;-)

Wish you the best man. Or as they say in my local lingo - ' yella olledagali ' (~.^)
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It is okay. Not everyone is quite perfect enough to own it...

Well, I didn't realize perfection was a part of the requirement to own one. Well, I will wait a year until the 1020 gets cheaper and maybe I will upgrade my 810 to that. I'm in no rush, after all. I suppose at this point it is just more cost effective to repair my 8X...
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Well today just got slightly better - no progress meeting - project manager has taken a day off because he has a cold. Wimp.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Well, I didn't realize perfection was a part of the requirement to own one.

Personally I must be quite the opposite of perfect, as I would never buy a Lumia 920. In my opinion the design works well with a small phone like the N9 (or the Lumia 800 I have). However this enormous thing with the asymmetric bezels and the glossy colors is just so hideous.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Personally I must be quite the opposite of perfect, as I would never buy a Lumia 920. In my opinion the design works well with a small phone like the N9 (or the Lumia 800 I have). However this enormous thing with the asymmetric bezels and the glossy colors is just so hideous.

I own a black L920 and I have no issues with it. Suites me just fine. :) As the saying goes, to each their own. You could always get a 925.

As for the need for perfection thing. Considering WP8 is far from perfect I don't see it as a requirement. :P
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I own a black L920 and I have no issues with it. Suites me just fine. :) As the saying goes, to each their own. You could always get a 925.

As for the need for perfection thing. Considering WP8 is far from perfect I don't see it as a requirement. :P

I thought about writing: "The Lumia 925 is an entirely different story!"

...then I remembered that I neither need nor want a new phone at the moment, so I just wrote my negative opinion how it is custom in the interwebs. I'm happy with my 8X and find it the most beautiful Windows Phone anyway, I'll do fine with it another year, if I don't break it.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Talking about phones for the moment - I would like to touch on the subject of coordination.

How many have noticed that people have there phones matching an item of clothing/accessory or on women nail polish?

Saw a girl this morning rocking a Lumia 800 with dark and pink theme enabled wearing black trainers with pink laces, pink nail polish with a black handbag with a pink strap.

Have also seen numerous women with cases on phones matching nail polish colour.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Talking about phones for the moment - I would like to touch on the subject of coordination.

How many have noticed that people have there phones matching an item of clothing/accessory or on women nail polish?

Saw a girl this morning rocking a Lumia 800 with dark and pink theme enabled wearing black trainers with pink laces, pink nail polish with a black handbag with a pink strap.

Have also seen numerous women with cases on phones matching nail polish colour.

That may be more common in London then out this way, but I have seen similar with other phones where they buy cases to match clothing, handbag or colour scheme.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I thought about writing: "The Lumia 925 is an entirely different story!"

...then I remembered that I neither need nor want a new phone at the moment, so I just wrote my negative opinion how it is custom in the interwebs. I'm happy with my 8X and find it the most beautiful Windows Phone anyway, I'll do fine with it another year, if I don't break it.

I'm curious to see where Nokia will go with their design. I'm hoping for something special with the newer phones next year. I wouldn't mind seeing one with a optical zoom lens on it and a metal body. That would be something I would buy. Doesn't have to be the 40Mpx beast just a good camera.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Talking about phones for the moment - I would like to touch on the subject of coordination.

How many have noticed that people have there phones matching an item of clothing/accessory or on women nail polish?

Saw a girl this morning rocking a Lumia 800 with dark and pink theme enabled wearing black trainers with pink laces, pink nail polish with a black handbag with a pink strap.

Have also seen numerous women with cases on phones matching nail polish colour.

Yup. The ladies have it down to a science, it seems. I was talking with my coworker about a matching look for my cyan combo of the purity cans and the wireless shell for the 810. I could do full white (white pants, white blazer) with a cyan shirt and cyan converse to offset, or go full white (white shirt, white pants) but with a cyan blazer.

It actually is pretty cool to color aaccessorize like that. 😊
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'd advise my mothers puppy to visit the thread: "How to not pee from positive excitement."

I don't really know what to do in this situation, just ignore it or snub (what verb do you use to describe training a dog by using cutting words?) her, what only could make it worse.

Please share if you figure it out. My wife's toy Poodle does the same thing. It is crazy. Rush the stoopid pooch outside at a speed that may or may not be faster then the speed of pee when we get home or friends stop by. Last week, my son didn't close our front door all the way. I got home from work, and the dogs pushed it open in excitement to come say hi. We have flower beds, 2 patches of grass, a sidewalk, and all the neighbors yards. Where does the excited poodle pee??? All over my leather work boot. REALLY????

By the way, if by chance she owns a toy poodle, it is a symptom of the breed. We know some other people with the same problem.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I thought about writing: "The Lumia 925 is an entirely different story!"

...then I remembered that I neither need nor want a new phone at the moment, so I just wrote my negative opinion how it is custom in the interwebs. I'm happy with my 8X and find it the most beautiful Windows Phone anyway, I'll do fine with it another year, if I don't break it.

Honestly, I'd take either the 925 or the 1020. I'm fine with the weight of the 920, as i like solid feeling phones as much as lightweights in hand like the 8X and Ativ S. As a t-mo USA customer though, id never buy their 925...i'd only want the 32GB model as i plan to actually put the camera to good use. 😊
Still, finances don't allow it. So I will repair my 8X and make do with that and the 810. Its a VZW model so when I replace the screen, I will ask to get the housing swapped out too. It will look like the grey with yellow/green trim once repaired...😁
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Please share if you figure it out. My wife's toy Poodle does the same thing. It is crazy. Rush the stoopid pooch outside at a speed that may or may not be faster then the speed of pee when we get home or friends stop by. Last week, my son didn't close our front door all the way. I got home from work, and the dogs pushed it open in excitement to come say hi. We have flower beds, 2 patches of grass, a sidewalk, and all the neighbors yards. Where does the excited poodle pee??? All over my leather work boot. REALLY????

By the way, if by chance she owns a toy poodle, it is a symptom of the breed. We know some other people with the same problem.

Not sure where you live but I posted about that TV show that has a trainer that deals with a dog that has this issue of 'over excitement'. I recommend finding the episode and seeing if any of the techniques work. The other thing is consulting a dog trainer. They may be able to help.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Not sure where you live but I posted about that TV show that has a trainer that deals with a dog that has this issue of 'over excitement'. I recommend finding the episode and seeing if any of the techniques work. The other thing is consulting a dog trainer. They may be able to help.

You talking about Wilfred?
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Continuing the topic of matching clothes. I would love to wear the same clothes that my Xbox Avatar does. Use some PhotoShop. Get the virtual me and the real me in the same shot. Ah!

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