WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

In looks only. They are nowhere near authentic Ramen, so when in the Philippines avoid this place called John and Yoko Cosmopolitan Japanese.

Sent from my LT25i using Tapatalk 4
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Randomm questionnn, if I want to buy a phone from a carrier that ain't so good with wp8 updates, but I will carrier unlock myself, will the future updates still be dependent on that carrier? :S And incase people are wondering how my presentation went (if you still remember) here's a picture of me (curteousy of my friend haha) http://i.imgur.com/nRFRA43.jpg
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Great, great advert.

In memory of our fallen comrade, BP, let's talk about cakes...
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Great, great advert.

In memory of our fallen comrade, BP, let's talk about cakes...

I didn't have cake in a while, but next Saturday it's a friends birthday, then I'll get some. And maybe at the apero I'll have Monday.

Does your name come from the German word "m?ssig"? (in German the letter "?" can be written as "ue", for everybody who's wondering)

dict.cc | m?ssig | W?rterbuch Englisch-Deutsch
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It's pure german form is m??ig, meaning idle, to stroll about or in some dictionaries idol. It was changed to a more phonetic spelling (muessig) tgo make it easier for people to say/spell in the UK when my dad came over years ago.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It's pure german form is m??ig, meaning idle, to stroll about or in some dictionaries idol. It was changed to a more phonetic spelling (muessig) tgo make it easier for people to say/spell in the UK when my dad came over years ago.
Oh. In this case, have some more cake.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It's pure german form is m??ig, meaning idle, to stroll about or in some dictionaries idol. It was changed to a more phonetic spelling (muessig) tgo make it easier for people to say/spell in the UK when my dad came over years ago.

Swiss German officially doesn't have the letter ? (it is not even on our keyboard), that is the reason I wrote it with double s :)

I like it, I would also find it cool in a German forum.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm back for real this time!

BT fixed the broadband however haven't fixed the phone yet........

re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Thought I'd share this as an example of post processing a bad photo to a more interesting photo:

Post Processing EG 1.jpg

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