WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!


New member
Jan 24, 2013
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

PS4 announcement in a few days, cant wait for SONY to say IT WILL BE RELEASED NEXT WEEK!!!

I used to be excited for next Gen. I only want an Xbone. Then MS said, it ain't coming to my region till later next year 🚶


New member
Jan 24, 2013
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Heading to the Zoo today. Will have some pictures for all of you by afternoon 🏯


New member
May 15, 2013
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

yup, it did. This is how it looks, without the kanji...

とてもきれい です❗

Having been studying the language for the last few years, I don't fully trust Google Translate...��...

You should visit NYC. It is an awesome city to visit, and depending on your income bracket, a nice place to live in...

Yeah, i ideally won't be able to go for a while, but to live there? no. I'm happy where i am.

Laura Knotek

Retired Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I think we'll be back on a roll, now that BIGPADDY has his Internet service back. :smile:


New member
Feb 14, 2012
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Yesterday I was at a concert, and a woman of around 50 years took pictures the entire time and posted them on Facebook.

That made me remember that I'm pretty glad I left Facebook around 2 years ago, before it was taken over by older folks (and me becoming a part of them). Of course, now we have to talk about our digital foot print.

I don't use Twitter (I tried it out, I still don't know what it is good for, too much irrelevant information I can get on news pages after it was filtered) or any other pages like this. I'm never signed in in Google services, however I use Google Search, Google Maps and Youtube sometimes. I have a personal email address I pay for and additionally a email address from my university. I use the Ghostery addon on Firefox, mostly because I like to see how many trackers are blocked on every page (8 on this forum). There are two pictures of me on the web, one of the page of my university and one from my laboratory.

I have no worries buying something online with my credit card.

The most private things I share publicly can be found in this thread. In general: I'm not paranoid, I don't use most services because they don't give me anything, but sometimes companies like Facebook or Google or Microsoft worry me when it comes to privacy.

So, what about you?

Laura Knotek

Retired Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Yesterday I was at a concert, and a woman of around 50 years took pictures the entire time and posted them on Facebook.

That made me remember that I'm pretty glad I left Facebook around 2 years ago, before it was taken over by older folks (and me becoming a part of them). Of course, now we have to talk about our digital foot print.

I don't use Twitter (I tried it out, I still don't know what it is good for, too much irrelevant information I can get on news pages after it was filtered) or any other pages like this. I'm never signed in in Google services, however I use Google Search, Google Maps and Youtube sometimes. I have a personal email address I pay for and additionally a email address from my university. I use the Ghostery addon on Firefox, mostly because I like to see how many trackers are blocked on every page (8 on this forum). There are two pictures of me on the web, one of the page of my university and one from my laboratory.

I have no worries buying something online with my credit card.

The most private things I share publicly can be found in this thread. In general: I'm not paranoid, I don't use most services because they don't give me anything, but sometimes companies like Facebook or Google or Microsoft worry me when it comes to privacy.

So, what about you?
I got rid of Facebook about 3 years ago, since I had no desire to play Farmville or Mafia Wars, and I had no desire to be a friend of my next-door-neighbour's 3rd cousin.

I do use Twitter, but more as a source of news than a social network. Most of what I share on Twitter is interesting news stories about tech stuff. I also follow news and sports sites for the information. Twitter, to me, is kind of like an RSS feed.

I'm not worried about what I share on Twitter, since most of it is just information I've seen elsewhere (or retweets of other people's stuff). The few pictures I post of my coffee from Starbucks aren't going to matter much to anyone.


New member
Jan 24, 2013
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I got rid of Facebook about 3 years ago, since I had no desire to play Farmville or Mafia Wars, and I had no desire to be a friend of my next-door-neighbour's 3rd cousin.

I do use Twitter, but more as a source of news than a social network. Most of what I share on Twitter is interesting news stories about tech stuff. I also follow news and sports sites for the information. Twitter, to me, is kind of like an RSS feed.

I'm not worried about what I share on Twitter, since most of it is just information I've seen elsewhere (or retweets of other people's stuff). The few pictures I post of my coffee from Starbucks aren't going to matter much to anyone.


New member
Jan 24, 2013
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Just returned from the Zoo. Somehow, we managed to enrage the gorilla behind the cage. It decided to take a tree twig and throw it at us. Then it kept staring at us, probably thinking of snapping our necks.


New member
Feb 14, 2012
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Just returned from the Zoo. Somehow, we managed to enrage the gorilla behind the cage. It decided to take a tree twig and throw it at us. Then it kept staring at us, probably thinking of snapping our necks.

And he could, he could do it easily :)

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