WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I have now thought of an ad campaign for Microsoft Surface.

"Only sissies do their work on a desktop. REAL MEN WORK HARD AND PLAY HARD ON A MICROSOFT SIRFACE."

All they have to do is some cut scenes...somebody gaming, somebody wireless printing a picture, somebody skyping, somebody sharing a video they shot on a 1020. End with a voice over phrase like this:

"And we're just getting started". Tagline: 'scratching the Surface' (but instead of the word Surface, show a pic of a Surface). Flash Windows 8 logo. End commercial.
If they want to, you can do this idea over and use the cut scenes with everyone using a Windows product...someone gaming on a Xbox One, someone Skyping on a Surface Pro, someone shooting a video on a Lumia 1020, someone sharing a video on the Asus Vivo Smart Tab. Do that to highlight how seamless using all of those can be together. Use a common idea or task to show that. Then put a nice tagline at the end and,flash the Windows 8 logo.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I have now thought of an ad campaign for Microsoft Surface.

"Only sissies do their work on a desktop. REAL MEN WORK HARD AND PLAY HARD ON A MICROSOFT SIRFACE."

I want to be that real men at work. MS clearly does not want me to. They refuse to sell the Surface in my country *_*
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Thanks Laura. It could have been worse. I lost my CR-V to flood years ago.

Sent from my LT25i using Tapatalk 4
I'm just curious, where do you live? Hellish torrential rains are happening where I live in the Philippines.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

The moment I go out of my house to go buy some food, it starts raining again?

What's happening, weather? I thought we were friends :(
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

So, according to the code of the WPCentral Forums:

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Ashfaq Gazi-24

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That took a lot of work to pull off.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Makati is the richest per-capita city in the Philippines and they can't even manage flooding?

Wow. Binay must really be doing his job well. /s

I've been living in this city for a decade, I know what has been done, even if I'm not a fan of the clan.

I hate talking about politics and religion, so I'll stop here.

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re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Hey good morning or whatever.

Here's a picture, guess where it's from:

Aviary Photo_130213010816392025.jpg
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

South East Victoria, Australia. :)

Ah. I lived in Brisbane for 7.5 years prior to moving to the UK. I didn't see as much of Victoria as I would have liked. Winter in Brisbane was like Brisbane in summer, except people wore jackets in the morning and evening cause it was 'cool'. I can imagine that it gets a bit cooler where you are.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Good morning!

What a great start into the day, had to bring some paperwork to the university I'll start in September, and there my laboratory is holding a workshop. Right at the moment I got there, they were drinking coffee and eating Gipfeli. And of course I joined.


Now I am back in the lab, and I think this is my last day here.

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