WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Looks like no one's trying out the various Lumias, the Ativ S and the 8X. I'm the only one who used the W3 around here.

Even the various BlackBerry 10 devices aren't being touched.

Looks like people here are ignorant after all.

If i were using the Blackberry and Windows devices would have about as much fingerprints as the Android phones.
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re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Welcome to the world of "trendy" smartphones. :P

Most of us got Windows Phones because they are a refreshing change or because of Nokia, or because Windows phone was epic, not because they were used by some celebrity or some person who thinks he's the coolest person in the world.

I bought my first Windows Phone because I loved Windows Mobile and thought: "Heck, I'll give it a chance!".

Nokia wasn't even in the game back then :)
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I've only used Nokia phones. Last year I needed a new phone and the only Nokia that looked good was the Lumia 800. I had tried out some androids at a store and they scared me... I couldn't find my way around.

16 months after buying the 800, im very happy and convinced my next phone will be WP.

I also got my parents to buy WPs this year :-)
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I bought my first Windows Phone because I loved Windows Mobile and thought: "Heck, I'll give it a chance!".

Nokia wasn't even in the game back then :)

I found out about Windows Phone after Gameloft posted a video showing that they were going to do 12 games for WP8. I wondered why weren't half the games available for WP8 already. Then i looked into Nokia's recent phones and found out about the 820 and the 920. I wanted a Windows Phone after seeing the Lumia 920 and Lumia 820. Then i was considering the Lumia 820 and the HTC 8x, Then i heard about the 520. Well, SOME of us know what happened next. :P

I got my 520 and i hope to have a Lumia 925 32GB by the end of the year. :)
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I found out about Windows Phone after Gameloft posted a video showing that they were going to do 12 games for WP8. I wondered why weren't half the games available for WP8 already. Then i looked into Nokia's recent phones and found out about the 820 and the 920. I wanted a Windows Phone after seeing the Lumia 920 and Lumia 820. Then i was considering the Lumia 820 and the HTC 8x, Then i heard about the 520. Well, SOME of us know what happened next. :P

I got my 520 and i hope to have a Lumia 925 32GB by the end of the year. :)

I want the Lumia 925 too :-)
But im also saving up for a new laptop. I'll have to pay upfront for both because there are no contract based phones where I come from. Lets see how it goes.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I want the Lumia 925 too :-)
But im also saving up for a new laptop. I'll have to pay upfront for both because there are no contract based phones where I come from. Lets see how it goes.

I'm gonna have to find a way to get the Lumia 925 32GB unlocked down here, I contacted Vodafone Australia about it and they say that they don't sell the phone unlocked. :(

I'm gonna see if the same story is said at one of their stores...
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Just returned from my weekend trip. Love the camera on the 820.

Sure its not 'hot stuff ' like its older brothers but dang, the pics look great. My favorite app though, is photosynth!!! 360 degree photos FTW!!!!
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Photosynth is really great for remembering moments or places on a trip! Found that out myself recently.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I used photosynth on my iPod touch 4g...

Yeah, because using a panoramic application with a 0.5MP camera is good...
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I used photosynth on my iPod touch 4g...

Yeah, because using a panoramic application with a 0.5MP camera is good...

I love photosynth, I wish I was only better at using it.
I couldn't be more fair with all of my comments on that thread too! Funniest part is when I told him he read an article wrong. He said he knew what he read. Then he proved himself wrong.

Great work! It was a funny read indeed.

My sister is a lite version of this person. She owned a HP and had a ****ty experience with Windows. Now she went to Apple (iPhone 5, Mac Book Pro, iPad Mini) and whenever there was tech talk and we both were together, she'd sing the praises of Apple high and low. Granted, Apple is a better fit for her needs, but she'll bad mouth MSFT at any turn. She dislikes them now so much that when her Android phone was freezing and working poorly, she stuck with that rather than using the HTC Mozart I loaned her as a temporary phone. Still, she knows better in how to talk tech with me as I'll not be kind to her when she goes in full iSheep mode.

Funny story...her mom (my step mom) was in town 2 months ago, so we both planned a cool Mediterranean take out dinner at her house. We both were sitting in a Starbucks planning the dinner and whipped our phones out...an iPhone 5 and a Lumia 810. Guess which phone was able to locate the restaurant easily, pull up the menu faster, and could call the restaurant quickly? Yup - the 810. So we switched phones...i wrote down the menu items on her iPhone (clumsy *** screen in landscape mode for me to write on) while we picked the items off my 810. Of course, i let her call in the order from her iphone, since she was paying for the meal. All the while I marveled at how efficient it was to use the WP for this task, much to her chagrin...the dinner was a hit by the way, as a team we throw good parties...

People have different preferences, but I never supported being a tool in forcing ones preferences on others. Loved hoe you handled that person on iMore. That's why I don't talk tech with blind brand loyalists or fully jaded users...too much work banging heads against solid walls...
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re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning folks...waiting at the bus stop, hopeful that the bus comes on time so I cab get ny connecting train so that I'm not ridiculously late for work. Weekend travel by public transport in NYC is a kick in the balls, I swear...
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

You developed an app and it not ready!!! :shocked:


Yeah, my app is pretty crappy, I've stopped work on it because the YouTube function would just NOT work, no matter what I tired.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Yeah, my app is pretty crappy, I've stopped work on it because the YouTube function would just NOT work, no matter what I tired.

What kind of app is it? I cannot wait to make the time (once my check comes in) to do a PC upgrade and install Windows 8 and start making apps...

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