I couldn't be more fair with all of my comments on that thread too! Funniest part is when I told him he read an article wrong. He said he knew what he read. Then he proved himself wrong.
Great work! It was a funny read indeed.
My sister is a lite version of this person. She owned a HP and had a ****ty experience with Windows. Now she went to Apple (iPhone 5, Mac Book Pro, iPad Mini) and whenever there was tech talk and we both were together, she'd sing the praises of Apple high and low. Granted, Apple is a better fit for her needs, but she'll bad mouth MSFT at any turn. She dislikes them now so much that when her Android phone was freezing and working poorly, she stuck with that rather than using the HTC Mozart I loaned her as a temporary phone. Still, she knows better in how to talk tech with me as I'll not be kind to her when she goes in full iSheep mode.
Funny story...her mom (my step mom) was in town 2 months ago, so we both planned a cool Mediterranean take out dinner at her house. We both were sitting in a Starbucks planning the dinner and whipped our phones out...an iPhone 5 and a Lumia 810. Guess which phone was able to locate the restaurant easily, pull up the menu faster, and could call the restaurant quickly? Yup - the 810. So we switched phones...i wrote down the menu items on her iPhone (clumsy *** screen in landscape mode for me to write on) while we picked the items off my 810. Of course, i let her call in the order from her iphone, since she was paying for the meal. All the while I marveled at how efficient it was to use the WP for this task, much to her chagrin...the dinner was a hit by the way, as a team we throw good parties...
People have different preferences, but I never supported being a tool in forcing ones preferences on others. Loved hoe you handled that person on iMore. That's why I don't talk tech with blind brand loyalists or fully jaded users...too much work banging heads against solid walls...