WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

The funniest part is he got the joke, then doubted himself...which means he didn't get the joke.

"You have much to learn, grasshopper."

I still didn't get it :\

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re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

If its expensive they better provide food

There won't be any food. Which is terrible, it starts at 6.30 p.m. and ends at 8.30 p.m. So I already ate something little, but I have no idea what their actual concept is of having dinner with these times.
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

There won't be any food. Which is terrible, it starts at 6.30 p.m. and ends at 8.30 p.m. So I already ate something little, but I have no idea what their actual concept is of having dinner with these times.

That's terrible ...idk but I picture that ballet with tons of snoby people with lots of money

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re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'd rather PM him about it :P else he will just be blushing to death :P

Pm me about what ....-.- oh come on I'm almost 20 and I'm still treated like a 10 year old ._.

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re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I guess you will be the exception since you have a phD :D

I don't have a PhD, I'm working on it ;-)

But as we go with members of the lab, there will be many with an actual PhD, so no exception anyway.
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I don't have a PhD, I'm working on it ;-)

But as we go with members of the lab, there will be many with an actual PhD, so no exception anyway.

Well how come you are going :)?

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