WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I feel pretty confident that I know the experiments at least well enough not to embarrass myself. I'm still looking forward to teaching the young students something. I hope it will be as fun as I imagine. In 10 minutes we'll start the team briefing, and then they'll release the pack... I mean the students.

The pack in this thread are sleeping... wait 'till they wake up :D
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I feel pretty confident that I know the experiments at least well enough not to embarrass myself. I'm still looking forward to teaching the young students something. I hope it will be as fun as I imagine. In 10 minutes we'll start the team briefing, and then they'll release the pack... I mean the students.

Good luck! :smile:
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

In Switzerland we have only spring.

It's much too warm and the sun is shining all the time: Wetter: Basel - search.ch
Same in Slovenia :( . Well except today, today it is snowing like hell, at least now. But tomorrow it will be again at 15?C :(. I haven't even skied in this winter. It is a bit stupid to go skiing if it snows but when it stopped snowing temperatures raised so snow started melting. Worst winter by far. Oh and we also had icy rain which caused that trees started falling, so now 70% of trees are damaged.
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Oh and we also had icy rain which caused that trees started falling, so now 70% of trees are damaged.

When I was visiting family in Toronto we had a big ice storm there that did the same thing. My mother's tree cracked and broke all night long. The branches scraped down the side of the house. Thankfully no damage was done. Trees were down everywhere and people lost power over xmas time. Took sometime to get the power backup. I think some places still didn't have any when I left.
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I am quite tired, my room as some of you know was painted and i am not looking forward to tomorrow. :(
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I still want a 920. Just because it's a 920. :P

Yes, yes i know i have a 1520! :D

I think there will be a glut of L920s soon after WP8.1 is released. Might as well wait until then to get one cheap.
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

At us there were some places which were without electricity about 2 weeks. MY mum is 48 years old ans she said that she did't see anything like that in her life time.

Anyway, I'm sitting in front of my computer eating ice cream while looking trough window how it snows.
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

At us there were some places which were without electricity about 2 weeks. MY mum is 48 years old ans she said that she did't see anything like that in her life time.

Anyway, I'm sitting in front of my computer eating ice cream while looking trough window how it snows.

My mother is over 65 and she never seen anything like what happened in Toronto either. It was pretty extreme.
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I need another phone, Quizduell isn't available on WP!!!
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

jk. NOTE: I don't say that people in India are worst than European people, but I find India as a country not really civilized.

Yes some of them maybe uncivilized but you cant comment on the whole. Actually there is no cooperation between the government and the people

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