WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

WPC 40K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I should buy a travel case ......I don't have one but then again I don't travel a lot ...yeah I'll buy one

Sent from my iPod touch using WPCentral Forums
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm on holiday and have a busy week to get things done so hi.

Not going to be on much for a while.

You might want to post this in the ambassador forum so Dave and your fellow ambassadors will know.
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Thanks guys, thats always sad to hear that someone passed away, but I didn't know him well. He visited Poland once - in March 2010 I met him first and last time, however I've been mailing with him and planned to visit him with my brother summer 2014 or 2015. Canada is a really lovely place, that was my point. Its people-friendly (for foreigners) as far as I know.
+I love nature and I willingly watch documentaries about Canada!!

PS. Just realized I wrote "he was LEAVING Canada since 1979" haha what a shame..... of course I meant *living* :)
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Just saw an amazing thing. There is scientific calculator support in the default Calculator app.
In the landscape mode it displays all functions. :x
re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Just reached Denver. Next flight in 2.5 hours. The guy next to me on the plane had a Samsung Ativ :-) How often does that happen, two WP users side by side :-)

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