WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm going to take a break from homework I got a headache :|

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Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

hahahah Julius Caesar!! :P no! actually I don't even know what's a tri-tip :P except that it's beef :P

When you are done recovering your ex' expenses you can try tri-tip and then go to Mickey D's in a hurry to have a McFlurry...with Sahib of course:-)
Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

3.5 inches of rain so far today! Everything is wet and soggy around here:-(
Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

When you are done recovering your ex' expenses you can try tri-tip and then go to Mickey D's in a hurry to have a McFlurry...with Sahib of course:-)
you know my religion has a thing known as halal meat :P so no meat from outside shops :) and well yeah I'm fine with McFlurry unless Sahib hates it :P
That rhymed better than
Nadia and Sahib.....
wow!! ever thought of becoming a writer?
3.5 inches of rain so far today! Everything is wet and soggy around here:-(
I miss rain! again I'm jealous
Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

xD *takes a sip* Just hope I don't get a brain freeze :o and I see that you don't want the fluffy but a Mcflurry :p
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yeah I've a problem with fluffy things :P
Must be a new thing :l
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it's the same old thing... but I never paid :(
Still don't like him and his name ! >.<
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his real name is something else....that was his fb name :|
It's a tasty meat that tastes good well done ..none of this bloody stuff D:
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ok! thank you!!
I'm going to take a break from homework I got a headache :|
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should I?
Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

When you are done recovering your ex' expenses you can try tri-tip and then go to Mickey D's in a hurry to have a McFlurry...with Sahib of course:-)

Hmmm tri -tip :3 and I wouldn't mind but I would end up looking for her XD

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Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

you know my religion has a thing known as halal meat :P so no meat from outside shops :) and well yeah I'm fine with McFlurry unless Sahib hates it :P

wow!! ever thought of becoming a writer?

I miss rain! again I'm jealous

Well I like the meats I tasted:) *pokes your arm * and its raining I'm north Cali too :D

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Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

yeah I've a problem with fluffy things :P

it's the same old thing... but I never paid :(

his real name is something else....that was his fb name :|

ok! thank you!!

should I?

If only I was a more fluffy !
So I can still use it after a year :D?
Hmmm still don't like him there can only be one sahib !
No problem
And no you shouldn't :) I guess I was thinking to much on homework

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Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

like the deserts need the rain....want your tears to fall down on me
Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

If only I was a more fluffy !
So I can still use it after a year :D?
Hmmm still don't like him there can only be one sahib !
No problem
And no you shouldn't :) I guess I was thinking to much on homework

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i like you the way you are lol...and you can use it after a year :P....is your crush's name written in your hw
Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

i like you the way you are lol...and you can use it after a year :P....is your crush's name written in your hw

Sweet so I don't need all this fluffiness :p and ok I'll get it on my cellular and noooooooo it's not but I did draw it once XD

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Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I forgot my bbm pin :/ well then again it's been ages since I used it
Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Sweet so I don't need all this fluffiness :p and ok I'll get it on my cellular and noooooooo it's not but I did draw it once XD

Sent from my iPod touch using WPCentral Forums

no! you definitely don't need fluffiness :P leave that to the unicorns and teddies and me :P ......yayyyy!!....and no wonder you have a headache :P

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