WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Bing it, Google it were terms I was not familiar with when I went to Grad School :-)
Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

And by working with kids my age might make you relevant to what's going on but that doesn't mean you will understand them.

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You know, I took a moment to look back over the whole conversation and for some reason you took offensive to me telling you to look it up, which I don't know why but doesn't bother me really.

Things got compounded by you taking offense to what could be the real truth here, how people have been cracking on you and Nadia for the past week and a half and you may not have been too fond of it. Thus you decide to use this opportunity to crack back. Again, doesn't bother me either.

Actually, Sahib, for your information I have a better understanding of certain things relating to young people than you may do, even though you're a young person currently. As I said just now, you're coming off as posturing and covering your *** over nothing. You're coming off as using deflection, denial and justification as defense mechanisms here, since you want me to go along this route. 10+ years of trained professional experience of working with youth. While I never made a claim to understanding all youth, I now know I should solemnly defer to your wealth of experience because your current age allows you to speak eloquently for all young people.

I am simply pointing out to you that there is more than one way to ask a question. You asked what it was, I answered it, you posted the comment about it was being better to just ask you (which wasn't necessary, but didn't bother me) than look it up, I ragged you about the Nadia comment and you took the **** to a different extreme. Hey, now I know to be one less person to rag you about her in any way shape or form.

Seriously, you didn't listen to a word I said this evening, and you certainly proved you didn't hear it it either based on your responses. But I'm not mad and hold nothing against you.

SMH. Really expected more but everyday you learn something new. There are things I could have said differently,in this conversation, but they wouldn't have made a difference with the roll you went not. That's life...
Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Bing it, Google it were terms I was not familiar with when I went to Grad School :-)

Times have changed. They talked about not using Wikipedia as a reference at orientation. That cracked me up but the professor who investigates academic integrity wasn't joking.
Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

You know, I took a moment to look back over the whole conversation and for some reason you took offensive to me telling you to look it up, which I don't know why but doesn't bother me really.

Things got compounded by you taking offense to what could be the real truth here, how people have been cracking on you and Nadia for the past week and a half and you may not have been too fond of it. Thus you decide to use this opportunity to crack back. Again, doesn't bother me either.

Actually, Sahib, for your information I have a better understanding of certain things relating to young people than you may do, even though you're a young person currently. As I said just now, you're coming off as posturing and covering your *** over nothing. You're coming off as using deflection, denial and justification as defense mechanisms here, since you want me to go along this route. 10+ years of trained professional experience of working with youth. While I never made a claim to understanding all youth, I now know I should solemnly defer to your wealth of experience because your current age allows you to speak eloquently for all young people.

I am simply pointing out to you that there is more than one way to ask a question. You asked what it was, I answered it, you posted the comment about it was being better to just ask you (which wasn't necessary, but didn't bother me) than look it up, I ragged you about the Nadia comment and you took the **** to a different extreme. Hey, now I know to be one less person to rag you about her in any way shape or form.

Seriously, you didn't listen to a word I said this evening, and you certainly proved you didn't hear it it either based on your responses. But I'm not mad and hold nothing against you.

SMH. Really expected more but everyday you learn something new. There are things I could have said differently,in this conversation, but they wouldn't have made a difference with the roll you went not. That's life...
1st point ) yes I did take offence to that because that's how I have been taught and that's how I got by in life by asking questions, "when I don't know a certain thing i asked because i always do that i haven't changed ever. this is where you started to think you are right by thinking I was mad about me being teased about nadia which im not. i don't mind it i know its you all playing around and that is were you are mistaken. like i said earlier i ask before saying anything so i don't look arrogant by thinking i know something when i don't. that proves my point you could of asked me why i as mad but instead you went by what your thoughts and assumptions and said "that is what's got me offended which it wasn't" and to use this to "crack back"

2nd point ) instead of trying to understand why i said what i said you go off to say i have more experience thus i know more. i get that "with age comes wisdom" but sometimes that experience doesn't mean everything is understood to that person.

3rd point) a i get that i could of said it in a different way but that's how i am. again i wasn't mad about you making the Nadia comment, i don't really mind but there is where you thought wrong. i was thinking what that had to do with anything because it didn't but i responded to that to see if you would understand

4th point) i responded to what you said how i would if i was face to face to you i don't sugar coat words because that never works but when it seemed to think what i was thinking that is where i sorta got a little mad. would it been better to ask and get to why i was irritated after all questions lead to answers instead of making statements that way off and same here i don't judge people

5th point) same here. i learn some more everyday and things could of been said differently and it could of had a different outcome. i responded to how you went on
Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

1st point ) yes I did take offence to that because that's how I have been taught and that's how I got by in life by asking questions, "when I don't know a certain thing i asked because i always do that i haven't changed ever. this is where you started to think you are right by thinking I was mad about me being teased about nadia which im not. i don't mind it i know its you all playing around and that is were you are mistaken. like i said earlier i ask before saying anything so i don't look arrogant by thinking i know something when i don't. that proves my point you could of asked me why i as mad but instead you went by what your thoughts and assumptions and said "that is what's got me offended which it wasn't" and to use this to "crack back"

2nd point ) instead of trying to understand why i said what i said you go off to say i have more experience thus i know more. i get that "with age comes wisdom" but sometimes that experience doesn't mean everything is understood to that person.

3rd point) a i get that i could of said it in a different way but that's how i am. again i wasn't mad about you making the Nadia comment, i don't really mind but there is where you thought wrong. i was thinking what that had to do with anything because it didn't but i responded to that to see if you would understand

4th point) i responded to what you said how i would if i was face to face to you i don't sugar coat words because that never works but when it seemed to think what i was thinking that is where i sorta got a little mad. would it been better to ask and get to why i was irritated after all questions lead to answers instead of making statements that way off and same here i don't judge people

5th point) same here. i learn some more everyday and things could of been said differently and it could of had a different outcome. i responded to how you went on

See, you're still not getting where I'm coming from. Go read this section of the comments from the very beginning.

Nobody cared about you looking arrogant if you had looked it up and then ask questions, additional questions in this case. You ask questions here all the time. You initially asked what the DSM was, i answered it. I took a moment to share with you that "hey, it's OK to have looked it too and then ask", but you took it some other way and we ended up here.

I understand exactly what you were taught, since I was taught the same thing. What I'm sharing with you is the extension of that approach. At no point I was being arrogant to you either. This wasn't about me being "right" either. I did the "correct" thing by sharing what I did, but you're still on the "right vs wrong" tip, so I'll leave you alone to figure that one out.

This is the internet. I don't have to ask you why you were mad. I don't have to clarify my comments either. I don't have to take time to share with you something that is potentially useful to you when I should be using it to work through a very grueling and high level assignment. If you make a moment to read about the DSM, you'll understand how serious the stuff in studying really is.
But I'm making the time to straighten this out with you because up until now you gave off an impression of a young man who is open to learning things. I think you still are, but you missed the boat on this one. Big time. But hey, we can agree to disagree on this. I know how to say things on the thread differently going forward.

Kem did a similar thing recently where he was appointed expressing his disagreement as to why I don't want a 1520 because I mentioned the nano SIM it uses and that I don't want to use card adapters anymore as one of my reasons.

The ultimately similarity between that situation and this one is that you both got called out on something in a teaching moment, but instead of trying to see where you may have erred and own up to that, you both spent time justifying your responses. Needlessly too.
Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

well now that is off our minds I think we can return to our regular scheduled programs ;)
Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Anyhow, life's like that sometimes. I'm going to head back to finishing my assignment. I need to do as much as possible this weekend so I don't have to take a ton of work with me to Atlantic City during my birthday weekend, next weekend. Don't want the GF not to have a good time there because I brought school work along...
Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

See, you're still not getting where I'm coming from. Go read this section of the comments from the very beginning.

Nobody cared about you looking arrogant if you had looked it up and then ask questions, additional questions in this case. You ask questions here all the time. You initially asked what the DSM was, i answered it. I took a moment to share with you that "hey, it's OK to have looked it too and then ask", but you took it some other way and we ended up here.

I understand exactly what you were taught, since I was taught the same thing. What I'm sharing with you is the extension of that approach. At no point I was being arrogant to you either. This wasn't about me being "right" either. I did the "correct" thing by sharing what I did, but you're still on the "right vs wrong" tip, so I'll leave you alone to figure that one out.

This is the internet. I don't have to ask you why you were mad. I don't have to clarify my comments either. I don't have to take time to share with you something that is potentially useful to you when I should be using it to work through a very grueling and high level assignment. If you make a moment to read about the DSM, you'll understand how serious the stuff in studying really is.
But I'm making the time to straighten this out with you because up until now you gave off an impression of a young man who is open to learning things. I think you still are, but you missed the boat on this one. Big time. But hey, we can agree to disagree on this. I know how to say things on the thread differently going forward.

Kem did a similar thing recently where he was appointed expressing his disagreement as to why I don't want a 1520 because I mentioned the nano SIM it uses and that I don't want to use card adapters anymore as one of my reasons.

The ultimately similarity between that situation and this one is that you both got called out on something in a teaching moment, but instead of trying to see where you may have erred and own up to that, you both spent time justifying your responses. Needlessly too.
I agree with what you said I could of just let it go . I learn differently than everyone and I am still willing to learn about whatever is thrown at me. up to the kem thing that's different . he stated that was a dumb reason to not get a phone thus saying you are dumb for not getting that phone. I continued because there was a statement that was said that wasn't true. I normally leave things alone when things about me that are said that aren't true about me but that one point struck a nerve that made me ask " why even say that its not true" that's why I continued.
Re: WPC 50K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Anyhow, life's like that sometimes. I'm going to head back to finishing my assignment. I need to do as much as possible this weekend so I don't have to take a ton of work with me to Atlantic City during my birthday weekend, next weekend. Don't want the GF not to have a good time there because I brought school work along...
same here got to do some reading . hope you finish your homework before you take off

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