Movie that will make the most money ever will be 50 shades of grey.
I got a (spam) email from some Chinese company, that wants to carry out print jobs for me. They wrote I should contact them, so we can start a happy communication. I like happy communications
Yay advert with the 1520 on it!
Wait, a 1520 advert? Was it a TV advertisement? Billboard advertisement?
Doesn't it get sad when you have Scientology advertisements on your TV?
The joys of Engrish.
No it was on the WPC app which I prefer ads of the 1520 than 50 shades of grey.
And I don't think I ever seen a Scientology advert in the UK ever.
Do you mean English.
Yeah, i don't need TV advertising to tell me what religion i wish to be apart of!
I think almost everybody (except most women) wouldn't want 50 Shades of Grey advertisements on their phone.
My previous comment was not meant to offend any Scientologists on this forum.
My previous comment was not meant to offend any Scientologists on this forum.
Scientology is one of the most controversial new religious movements to have arisen in the 20th century. The church is often characterized as a cult and it has faced harsh scrutiny for many of its practices which, critics contend, include brainwashing and routinely defrauding its members,[SUP][31][/SUP] and harassing its critics and perceived enemies with psychological abuse, character assassination and costly litigation.[SUP][12][/SUP][SUP][32][/SUP][SUP][33][/SUP] In response, Scientologists have argued that theirs is a genuine religious movement that has been misrepresented, maligned and persecuted.[SUP][34][/SUP] The Church of Scientology has consistently used litigation against its critics, and its aggressiveness in pursuing its foes has been condemned as harassment.[SUP][35][/SUP][SUP][36][/SUP] Further controversy has focused on Scientology's belief that souls ("thetans") reincarnate and have lived on other planets before living on Earth,[SUP][37][/SUP] and that some of the related teachings are not revealed to practitioners until they have paid thousands of dollars to the Church of Scientology.[SUP][38][/SUP][SUP][39][/SUP] Another controversial belief held by Scientologists is that the practice of psychiatry is destructive and abusive and must be abolished.[SUP][40][/SUP][SUP][41][/SUP]
I openly offend any Scientologists. It's a sect of the worst kind and it's based on science fiction novels by a terrible author. It would be funny if it wasn't that terrifying and shockingly sad.
Scientology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't believe it.
Today I'll meet an old friend for lunch. Looking forward to it. We'll meet in the botanic garden, weather is nice.
It very much feels like spring at the moment.
After being on android for a month then being on WP7.8 I don't miss android that much it was more of a clutter mess then anything and I was spending more time reorganising my homescreen then getting things done.