WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Sweet! When I can afford it, I'm getting one. League of Legends, Guild Wars 2, and RuneScape, on a touchscreen? OH YES!

Just keep an eye on the prices - When I first looked at them they were ?440 then they had dropped to ?390 a couple of weeks later - I paid ?368 and now its ?359 - they must drop the price to clear the stock - its a beautiful monitor though.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Nice. I will keep my monitor non touch screen for a while longer. I plan to run both my cable TV and PC through one screen, that's what has me waiting for the touch options to get better and cheaper...
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Sweet! When I can afford it, I'm getting one. League of Legends, Guild Wars 2, and RuneScape, on a touchscreen? OH YES!

I miss the days I loved gaming. I still do in my heart, just when I'm really doing it, it's not as much fun as it used to be... The most perfect games for my taste (e.g. Bioshock Infinite) I can play for around 30 minutes, then I'm bored :(

I want to spend some money for a new computer, likely a Macbook Pro for professional reasons (I'll have to see when I've started my new job, most likely they'll give me a Mac, and in this case I want to have a similar device), but for this price I could get such a nice gaming machine...
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

A super Friday good morning from team20 over at iMore....hi everyone! *waving*
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

A super Friday good morning from team20 over at iMore....hi everyone! *waving*

Good morning! iMore has a very Appely sound to it. Welcome to the world of Microsoft and when can I get a Haswell MacBook Pro? ;-)
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Very, very, very, very hot today, did I mention it was HOT!
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

When you want an ice cream man there never one there, however when it winter there right outside your house!
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Nice. I will keep my monitor non touch screen for a while longer. I plan to run both my cable TV and PC through one screen, that's what has me waiting for the touch options to get better and cheaper...

Im going to run PC and xbox 360 through that Acer touchscreen and leave the tv to be run by the xbox one.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

When you want an ice cream man there never one there, however when it winter there right outside your house!

A real ice cream man, driving around in his little van, playing music and the kids run towards it from the entire neighborhood?

This I know only from movies, there's no such thing where I live :(
Touchscreen laptop are great and you can get great specs like my ASUS VIVOBOOK S500 which I added 4GB of RAM to it.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

A real ice cream man, driving around in his little van, playing music and the kids run towards it from the entire neighborhood?

This I know only from movies, there's no such thing where I live :(

I see this too often in the neighborhoods I live and work in...and I avoid them like the plague because that's a sure fire way to get diarrhea...the soft serve they sell is atrocious...
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

A real ice cream man, driving around in his little van, playing music and the kids run towards it from the entire neighborhood?

This I know only from movies, there's no such thing where I live :(

There was one swinging by my work lately. I haven't seen it for a couple of days. The people running for it weren't children though!
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I see this too often in the neighborhoods I live and work in...and I avoid them like the plague because that's a sure fire way to get diarrhea...the soft serve they sell is atrocious...

I haven't had a soft serve in years. When I was younger it was the best thing. Now I'm a bit more snobby about it. Partly due to the fact I can't have it that often.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I see this too often in the neighborhoods I live and work in...and I avoid them like the plague because that's a sure fire way to get diarrhea...the soft serve they sell is atrocious...

People told me I shouldn't buy ice cream in Morocco on the streets exactly for this reason, I did anyway and never had any kind of trouble. Different story with meat though... ;-)

There was one swinging by my work lately. I haven't seen it for a couple of days. The people running for it weren't children though!

Well, I'd be running too :D

Totally unrelated, look at this: Ballmer admits Microsoft built too many Surface RTs, disappointed with Windows sales | The Verge
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Talking about PCs. The one thing I constantly would like to build is a bit more a media PC. I know many people don't see the point these days of tablets and large computer LCD displays but I would like to build one. Simply for the ease of use more than anything else. Maybe one day.

Currently I just own a HP Laptop and my partner has a Sony Viao (I'm not a big fan of Sony computers anymore thanks to this laptop). I haven't owned a desktop for 3 years now. The last time was in Australia.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

My problem with the Surface is that the prices they are selling it for now was where they should have been when it first came out. Of course they couldn't do that because it would **** off their hardware partners, but better pricing and more frequent updates would have made it sell more, I think...
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

My problem with the Surface is that the prices they are selling it for now was where they should have been when it first came out. Of course they couldn't do that because it would **** off their hardware partners, but better pricing and more frequent updates would have made it sell more, I think...

I'm wondering, does Windows RT run better on ARM than Windows 8 on Atom (just the OS and Metro apps)?

I know that Atoms are very slow when it comes to legacy software, but this might change at the end of the year with the new generation. And then I really, really see no point in Windows RT anymore...
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I think there's a lot of issues surrounding why MS isn't doing well with the tablet and mobile ecosystems. It isn't easy to pin all of them down and if you start pointing out some you sometimes get people getting overly emotional about it all. I'm not 'in love' with my technology. I'm happy to admit it's faults. Some people feel differently about that.

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