WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Ever since I went to the update I charged my battery to about 90% or so and then used it as normal, turning it off at night. I last charged it 3-4 days ago, with the phone being on around 15 hours a day, at a guess. A battery life of 3-4 days is by far the best I've had with this phone. Don't know what they did but I like it.

As far as the volume goes, I think its useful if you're listening to music all the time and have the phone on a high volume, but I like my phone on about 20 for everyday use and having to readjust it every single time I turn the phone on and off when I've not had to do that before is irritating.

So it is turning it on an off. Yeah that can be annoying. For me that works cause I normally don't have mine higher than 13-15 anyway. My wife on the other hand is going to hate that.

Hopefully the update fixes my battery issues. Over the weekend I was getting about a 12% battery drain and I had nothing running. I was just looking at the screen and it seemed to drop about 2% battery in about 60 sec. I've noticed the WPC app drains my battery pretty quick so I try not to use it much. I reinstalled the FB app as I think that might had something to do with it. As it is I'm at a loss as to what's causing the drain. I wish I had the ability to see resources. I know the whole idea of WP is to let the OS do everything, however it seems not to do it the way I want atm. :P
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Has anyone got a surface with 8.1 beta installed on it - noticed a groovy little improvement yesterday that I hadn't noticed before and isn't present on 8. When you swipe the charms bar in from the right the windows logo does like a holographic colour "shimmy" before settling on your theme colour.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Has anyone got a surface with 8.1 beta installed on it - noticed a groovy little improvement yesterday that I hadn't noticed before and isn't present on 8. When you swipe the charms bar in from the right the windows logo does like a holographic colour "shimmy" before settling on your theme colour.

I guess it's a nice effect but probably something I'd shut off. :P I don't have a surface, though I would like one. Just don't have practical use for one yet.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

How to tell it's Monday. No posts happening at all. Add in a nice day and you get no one caring at all about this. LOL!
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I wish I could win the lotto so I could get out of this rat race and enter another one.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Don't mind me I'm just waffling. Waffling is good for long essays in college and university. They like waffle there. I'm not a fan of the waffle, unless I can eat it, preferably with ice cream an syrup. :D (real Canadian syrup too no that cheap synthetic crap.)
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

They're having a party at my work for retirees. I'm not sure if I would attend a party, even if it's free at my work if I was retired. They fed them the cafe food and I have to be honest it's not the best.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It's hard to believe that in 2013 the 'flat Earth society' still exists. That and many other unscientific thinking is what makes this a silly world.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm not even making a dent in the top posters list. Sigh.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Then again most of my posts are during the day while I'm at work. I don't normally post at night or during the weekend. So this means I need a better job. :P
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Would be nice to get thread milestone bragging rights, but I don't think I've been close to getting one yet. I'll try harder next time around :wink:

I got the 2000th post in the "Banned" thread, so that's all the bragging rights I have to this point...
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Actually, Jamaica does, but theirs is in May, a little bit before the US Memorial Day. I think Canada does as well.

Australia, New Zealand and couple of others have it too. Just not on the same day as US and Canada.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Australia, New Zealand and couple of others have it too. Just not on the same day as US and Canada.

Notice the common thread behind that holiday? All the countries listed so far are ex British colonies.

Britain at the peak of imperialism controlled one fifth of the world's landmass and had one of the top three largest navies of all time.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Morning folks. Good to see we are on to 10K. The US Labor Day marks the end of summer here. I'm still wondering where it went, for me at least...
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Hmm if the UK had a labour day half of eastern Europe would end up taking the day off.

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