WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

News?? I only ever quick scan through the headlines nowadays, I don't care who's sleeping with who, who's at war with who, who said what to who.

Im only looking for one headline.

Dead Rise From Grave. Zombie Apocalypse Begins.

OK that made me laugh. :P
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Although that's not entirely true. Im also looking for.

Xbox One Release Date Revealed.

As long as that comes before the zombie apocalypse im a perfectly happy human being

And that too. :P Well done! :P
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

The IT guys are away for the rest of the week. Great...
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

That buyout of Nokia's Devices and Services division from Microsoft was a HUGE surprise!

I hope that Nokia still has branding on their devices. It's a lot to absorb.

Don't bring that in here :orly: - there are enough threads on that topic already - think a moderator needs to step in and merge them all.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Hmm tapatalk app is much better than board express

Sent from my Windows Phone 8X by HTC using Tapatalk
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

That buyout of Nokia's Devices and Services division from Microsoft was a HUGE surprise!

I hope that Nokia still has branding on their devices. It's a lot to absorb.

Actually it wasn't, well not to anyone who has been watching the whole thing play out. This was sort of expected. But I agree with martinmc78. There's enough noise already in the threads over this.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

So lets talk about cake... maybe we'll draw BP from wherever he's hiding. :P
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Actually I would love to purchase some new IT. I'm thinking of picking up a new portable hard drive. They're only ?59 for a 1 TB and my other one is starting to look a bit rough. I guess I'll think about a Nokia tablet when/if it comes out. I don't want a phablet though.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Actually it wasn't, well not to anyone who has been watching the whole thing play out. This was sort of expected. But I agree with martinmc78. There's enough noise already in the threads over this.

Yeah, i'm sorry for bringing the conversation here.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Actually I would love to purchase some new IT. I'm thinking of picking up a new portable hard drive. They're only ?59 for a 1 TB and my other one is starting to look a bit rough. I guess I'll think about a Nokia tablet when/if it comes out. I don't want a phablet though.

Yeah, i've been heavily considering a portable Hard Drive to replace the 8 USB's i have!
All of them? That's pretty bad organisation not having even 1 person in IT.

Well, at least the guy who could connect my personal computer to the network and install the new computer I should get soon is away.

I'll just draw my science into a coloring book. Well actually it is a good thing, allows me to have a slow start ;-)
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Actually I would love to purchase some new IT. I'm thinking of picking up a new portable hard drive. They're only ?59 for a 1 TB and my other one is starting to look a bit rough. I guess I'll think about a Nokia tablet when/if it comes out. I don't want a phablet though.

Go back 5 years and an 8gb usb would cost you ?59. Amazing how quick advancements in tech drop the prices
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Go back 5 years and an 8gb usb would cost you ?59. Amazing how quick advancements in tech drop the prices

Yes, crazy isn't it? I'm still waiting for the SSHD to drop more in price. They've gotten better but still a bit pricey. It's hard to dish out the kind of cash they want for one when you get a standard HD for so little.

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