WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Amen. I look at the current (and even some of the previous) generations and I'm baffled. Here in the US it's the entitlement crowd. Welfare and a lack of good work ethics make it hard for everyone else. It's the few supporting the many at this point.

Sent from the one in beautiful blue using Tapatalk.

It's the same everywhere. Though some places are better than others. In Australia there's a bit of what they call 'benefit rot' going on. They make it too easy to get on it in the first place. Same here in the UK, the EU in general. Canada is similar as well though there have been some changes.

The biggest issue is expectations. Partially from parents, then peers and then society. It's a complex issue really. We just like to make it simple.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I've just always had my eyes on Japan because they are usually one step ahead technologically. I'd love to eventually find myself engrossed in that environment. Even if just for 6 months or so.

Sent from the one in beautiful blue using Tapatalk.

I agree with you! Japan rocks its on my list of places to visit :)
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I've just always had my eyes on Japan because they are usually one step ahead technologically. I'd love to eventually find myself engrossed in that environment. Even if just for 6 months or so.

Sent from the one in beautiful blue using Tapatalk.

I've liked Japan for some time. I even read a series of books that's suppose to be their national treasure. Was an interesting series. I want to visit but I'm going to wait a bit to make sure it's 'safe' to do so. :P Maybe in a year or two.

Places like Japan are always looking for English tutors so there's always opportunity if you want it.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

My coworker is Japanese and for a while he had a intern from Japan. Whenever they were speaking I felt like being in an epic Asian movie. It was great.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Worst thing about getting a replacement 920 trying to repair app positions on the start screen!

So my work has parking restrictions and i just found out they have been relaxed this past week. So i have been parking my car miles away for nothing! :(
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

You know, if your parents and friends, then pretty much whole neighborhood goes on government assistance... What motive is there to work hard? It appears they are getting everything (and sometimes more) for free. Healthcare, food stamps, section 8, etc...

Sent from the one in beautiful blue using Tapatalk.

A lot of it is political spin. So it's best to be careful. That's not to say that some really work the system but the funny thing is that's part of the problem. They spend so much energy and effort staying in their 'bubble' that any change becomes scary. It truly is a complex this issue. It's not as easy as telling someone to 'get a job' as some people think.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I do wonder why alot of people go the easy way and let the government support them instead of getting a job. I don't know about them but I like the feeling of working for my money and either buying something or taking my family or friends to eat.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I do wonder why alot of people go the easy way and let the government support them instead of getting a job. I don't know about them but I like the feeling of working for my money and either buying something or taking my family or friends to eat.

That's just it alot of people don't think like that!
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I do wonder why alot of people go the easy way and let the government support them instead of getting a job. I don't know about them but I like the feeling of working for my money and either buying something or taking my family or friends to eat.

I hate to tell you, it's not that easy and it is 'work' in itself. That's part of the problem.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

That's just it alot of people don't think like that!

It's more than just the issue of 'thinking'. There will always be those who will play the system. Then there are those who will become 'trapped'. There is a difference.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I hate to tell you, it's not that easy and it is 'work' in itself. That's part of the problem.

I knows its not as easy to get a job anyone compared to how it was back then, and lots of unemployed people give up because they are never hired so they collect government help because they feel entitled to that since the government isn't providing jobs. But anyways I do think if people were more motivated and at least try to look for one or try to start up something maybe it wouldn't be so bad. That's what I think :P
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I knows its not as easy to get a job anyone compared to how it was back then, and lots of unemployed people give up because they are never hired so they collect government help because they feel entitled to that since the government isn't providing jobs. But anyways I do think if people were more motivated and at least try to look for one or try to start up something maybe it wouldn't be so bad. That's what I think :P

Yes and you're in school and a naive young 20 year old. Tell me this, how would you feel, getting out of school and applying for hundreds of jobs over several months going to many intereview only to not get one? Think about that. Then add 10 years of experience to that. A family. Bills. Tell me how motivated you would feel after spending months doing that. Yeah, it's easy to just say, 'do something' but that's not always an answer when your bills are more than you get paid.

You also completely missed what I said though. I was saying it's 'work' just to stay in the system. Which is part of the problem.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It's more than just the issue of 'thinking'. There will always be those who will play the system. Then there are those who will become 'trapped'. There is a difference.

Don't get me wrong im not bashing being on benefits. There are genuine cases for being on benefits. But alot of people are scammers and currently its far too easy to cheat the system
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Don't get me wrong im not bashing being on benefits. There are genuine cases for being on benefits. But alot of people are scammers and currently its far too easy to cheat the system

Oh, I know. I know my lefty side is showing here and being brought up in a poor family (sort of upper tier poor 'working poor') doesn't help but I get tired of the political spin that's being going on. There are many people who play the system, that tells me something, the system is broken. But to fix things is not easy. Especially when you have generational benefits. You need to not think in just terms of 'lazy people' you need to revamp their entire way of thinking.

Also, I noticed recently on some channels they've really made a big point of the Romanians and Bulgarians coming over to rote the system. Again, I blame the system, not them.
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Yes and you're in school and a naive young 20 year old. Tell me this, how would you feel, getting out of school and applying for hundreds of jobs over several months going to many intereview only to not get one? Think about that. Then add 10 years of experience to that. A family. Bills. Tell me how motivated you would feel after spending months doing that. Yeah, it's easy to just say, 'do something' but that's not always an answer when your bills are more than you get paid.

You also completely missed what I said though. I was saying it's 'work' just to stay in the system. Which is part of the problem.
I, not going to act like I know :P but it comes to my mind if anyone who went through that would be more of psychological and exhausting thing.
And for the second point I couldn't add that since this site doesn't play nice with IE
re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I was born poor. Mom was a single parent in a trailer home on welfare. Had no heat, no AC, sometimes no electricity or running water.

I say... Eff that! You're never trapped. Fight until there is nothing left but never just say "Well this is how it's gonna be." So what if you weren't born with a gold spoon in your mouth? Work hard, save up and get an education. Move your way up and BUY that damn spoon if you want it!

Only way you can truly be trapped is if you put yourself in that trap. Live, learn, and strive.

Oh lord. I sound like a PSA. ��

Sent from the one in beautiful blue using Tapatalk.

That's very 'American' I must say. Not that I have against against that kind of thinking. I just believe things are complex and we have a tendency to group people together. Because of my own experiences. Because of the work my wife does. I've learned a lot and putting people in 'boxes' is never the answer.

If it was easy there wouldn't be 'poor' people.

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