WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It's only Thursday and I feel already tired. There's a whole day left this week.

I'm not sure what to do tomorrow and how to go on. That makes me even more tired.

I could imagine using Android. The HTC One is a very nice phone for example. I'd like to have that.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

He buys Sony products of course what he has doesn't work

Side note: Epic trolling meme's just gone up in the I'm Heartbroken thread.

Yep I buy SONY products and it needs to be a SONY device to make it all work together...

So I had to go for my second favorite company which was NOKIA!
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

it's only thursday and i feel already tired. There's a whole day left this week.

I'm not sure what to do tomorrow and how to go on. That makes me even more tired.

I could imagine using android. The htc one is a very nice phone for example. I'd like to have that.

sony, sony, sony, sony!!!
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Doing well today - managed to get 2nd place in top posters and top thanked.

Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

We totally need more variety of topics in this thread today.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

We totally need more variety of topics in this thread today.

My mother summoned the entire family this Sunday. I didn't plan on going to my old town this weekend, at least I'll get great dinner.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

We totally need more variety of topics in this thread today.

Well so far - you've added "good morning" and "im here to bring hilarity" and "we need more variety"

Pretty convincing argument. I second your motion for more variety :winktongue:
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Dominoes should be delicious, I order for the hot dog stuffed crust!!!
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

ehhhhhh I'm taking a French calss in college and ....WOW its very difficult for me I thought since im a native Spanish speaker and English speaker I could learn French but boy I was wrong :confused: I learned that French sounds like a very snobby sounding language ...... I hope im not offending any French speaking peeps and if I am sorry bout that I mean no harm :smile:
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

ehhhhhh I'm taking a French calss in college and ....WOW its very difficult for me I thought since im a native Spanish speaker and English speaker I could learn French but boy I was wrong :confused: I learned that French sounds like a very snobby sounding language ...... I hope im not offending any French speaking peeps and if I am sorry bout that I mean no harm :smile:

Learn Latin!
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Hmm - trolling is basically writing a comment in order to illicit a negative reaction from other users.

Ah! No wonder I never trolled. I mostly use my real name on all forums. So, always think before saying anything - online or offlube 😎
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I had a dream that SONY and Windows Phone will join together hand with hand etc etc etc...............

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