WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Heheheh I Just noticed .... No matter how I old I get I still act like a 5 year old with stuff I like ... I jump up and down and get all excited !!!! Hurray for my inner child :) looks like I haven't lost him yet

young at heart is good!
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

If it was up to me I would get the surface pro for my documents , an Htc one variant on windows phone, the 1020 for pictures but if I want that I need a better job XD the 3 days I look forward to Is payday, financial aid day and Friday !

I like your set up. That's the only thing that I dislike with my 8X...if it was 32GB, that would be nice for me. Still, I've made due with the 16GB before. The 810 is the best fit for me, but the 8GB internal is just too tight. While I don't use a ton of apps, if I finally retire my PSPGo, I cannot keep a ton of games on my 810.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I am on my way back to Basel. I commuted this every day for four years but now that I live there it feels so annoying.

Back to topic! I love ice cream over every other edible thing!

...this would provide for a very dirty joke.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I am on my way back to Basel. I commuted this every day for four years but now that I live there it feels so annoying.

Back to topic! I love ice cream over every other edible thing!

...this would provide for a very dirty joke.

Dirty jokes are always great for everyone involved...unless you're the **** of the dirty joke or a forum moderator...
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Well great, I felt happy that I'd learn soon a new English word, namely cenote.

So I browse to dict.cc, type in 'cenote' and what translation do I get? Of course 'Cenote' with a capital c.

Superwkipedia, you gotta save my day!
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'm a 22yo bloke, just got chatted up by a 16yo in a takeaway... Something is wrong here!
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I am on my way back to Basel. I commuted this every day for four years but now that I live there it feels so annoying.

Back to topic! I love ice cream over every other edible thing!

...this would provide for a very dirty joke.
I see what you did there :wink: hehehe funny
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I have a video to share I think it was very informative so I thank science for that
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Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

ehhhh still trying to figure out what you meant ........ hmmmmmm:confused:

Yes, Daniel, details please...if you're comfortable...its like being in the dark without a flashlight, or in BP's case, the thought of going two days without cake...
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

My ex is in the kitchen getting the hang of her S4...guess the only thing inspiring about that is me browsing for Ativ S accessories...
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Yes, Daniel, details please...if you're comfortable...its like being in the dark without a flashlight, or in BP's case, the thought of going two days without cake...

Dont you go there!!!

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