WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I hate Burger King, McDonald's, and Kentucky Fried Chicken to degrees I cannot describe. I haven't eaten at any of them in over 2 years, and hope I never do ever, ever again.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I watched a Galaxy dropship go belly up, barrel-roll and finally crash upside down in Planetside 2. (for those who know what the game is)

I have NO idea what that game is. But that sounds really, REALLY cool.....
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

One year ago, I bricked my Galaxy Note, and I have not been using cellphones since then. Really my life turned into the better, I concentrate more on the human interaction rather than sticking my eyes into a 4-5" electronic screen!
However, if I am getting a cellphone anytime soon, it would definitely be a Nokia-WP! :)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I hate Burger King, McDonald's, and Kentucky Fried Chicken to degrees I cannot describe. I haven't eaten at any of them in over 2 years, and hope I never do ever, ever again.

What?!? Why don't you like them? Bad experiences? What is your favourite type of food?
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I have a DataVac that is specially designed for cleaning PCs.

Ooh I need something like that. It might give me reason to clean my PC more often. I've gone through too many cans of compressed air. As it is, I only clean when I upgrade a part or reapply thermal paste when cleaning the CPU cooler. Well, sometimes I use that as an excuse when i want to treat myself to an upgrade :wink:
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Wiley Coyote is my hero. I have a tattoo of him on my right calf. Everything I touch blows up just like him.

Must...resist...urge...to...see...dudes...calf. I mean tattoo..
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

What?!? Why don't you like them? Bad experiences? What is your favourite type of food?

Have no fear... I have junk food cravings as much as the next poster. (No offense, next poster, if you are a health food nut.) But BK, McDonald's, and KFC are just.... ewwww. Bad, bad, BAD food. I just can't wrap my head around spending money on them.

Hardee's, Arby's, and Wendy's are good for my fast food fix. Okay, I admit Wendy's is mostly for the Frosty, I really am not a fan of much else there. But I get wierd looks from the wife if that is all I order.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Must...resist...urge...to...see...dudes...calf. I mean tattoo..


Calf..... nothing special. Tattoo.... makes me smile. I once had a 60-some odd year old woman chase me down in the local supermarket to say it made her laugh, and she had HATED every other tattoo she had ever seen. You just can't put a price on making most everyone from Grandparent to Grandkids laughing at the same thing.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Dang.... this is only post #50. We have a ways to go yet on this 1,000 posting thang.....
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

At work on a beautiful day cleaning the dust out of many PC's.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Have no fear... I have junk food cravings as much as the next poster. (No offense, next poster, if you are a health food nut.) But BK, McDonald's, and KFC are just.... ewwww. Bad, bad, BAD food. I just can't wrap my head around spending money on them.

Hardee's, Arby's, and Wendy's are good for my fast food fix. Okay, I admit Wendy's is mostly for the Frosty, I really am not a fan of much else there. But I get wierd looks from the wife if that is all I order.

Don't get me wrong agree with you here. I realise they're incredibly bad for your health, but man KFC's chicken tastes nice. McDonalds etc I can give a miss but KFC is on another level in quality for me. Can you enlighten me why you used not one, not two but 3 BAD's?

Also, I'm in the UK but when I did go to America and went into Wendy's it was the most disgusting square burger I've ever had. Maybe I had a bad experience. Steak and Shake was amazing, though.
I love having double mcmuffin in the morning with two hash browns and a coke to get it down, a wonderful experience every morning. :love:
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I love having double mcmuffin in the morning with two harsh browns and a coke to get it down, a wonderful experience every morning. :love:

Harsh browns? Do you mean HASH browns or is BP being politically incorrect? :winktongue:
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I've got 20 teens at work in an internship program I co-supervise that are tiring and stressing me out...
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I've got 20 teens at work in an internship program I co-supervise that are tiring and stressing me out...

Reminds me of when I was an intern during college summer holidays. Looking back, no doubt I was bugging out my supervisors with questions and incompetence
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I've got 20 teens at work in an internship program I co-supervise that are tiring and stressing me out...
MSFTisMIA..... if you are ever in the little city of Danville IL, stop by. I will buy you a drink. Nothing but respect.
Re: WPC 1000 Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Why are some chair so uncomfortable?

As far as I can tell, it is just an evil plot to get you to buy recliners and those really comfy office chairs that require bank loans.

Dang them all.... it works.

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