WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Why do I sudenly have this picture of a lunatic asylum with people shouting "I am BATMAN!", "No I AM!"....

it reminds of that scene in the first Zorro movie. Catherine Zeta Jones was totally hot in that
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I don't have Facebook anymore. I wasted to much time on it, just to get annoyed. Most of my better friends have Facebook, but don't use it at all. So I was on the save side ;-)

Quit FB about 4 months ago. Guess the novelty wore off.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

a cheap iPhone. What has the world come to? What next? A sub 100 $ iPad? Everybody eventually runs out of ideas. Looks like its apple's turn now.

It's not cheap. The 5S is 100 Dollar more than the 5C. And the 32 GB 5C version is the same price as the 16 GB 5S.

It's laughable how much they charge for this little memory. Most of all because the jump from 16 to 32 GB is 100 Dollars, and the jump to 64 GB again is 100 Dollar. What a rip off.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

a cheap iPhone. What has the world come to? What next? A sub 100 $ iPad? Everybody eventually runs out of ideas. Looks like its apple's turn now.

did they really say the C stands for "cheap"?? That's lousy. It's like they're mocking people.
I wonder what the price is if one wanted to purchase it outright.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

There isn't really an advantage for 64 bit on a phone, is there?

I just read this and if the same rules apply for Apple as they apply for others, there is none. A Closer Look at 32-Bit vs. 64-Bit Windows - National Instruments

No wonder nobody else is even talking about 64 bit on a phone...

Well, that's a debatable thing. I know that link you put up deals with Windows OS. The truth of the matter is that it all comes down to the OS and the architecture. If you get any of those wrong and the device slows. However to suggest that 64bit is slower is completely wrong. If optimized correctly it will out run 32bit. Also you cannot get anywhere near the size of RAM or processing power in a 32 bit machine that you can on a 64 bit.

Though I get where they are coming from it really comes down to many factors and at the time of writing that W8 wasn't out, the new architecture wasn't out, the new RAM wasn't so you can't make judgments on that type of thing cause eventually the technology catches up. You will see 64 bit phones. You will eventually see 128 bit home PCs but not for many years.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I seem very sensible when it comes to the German language. Just browsed 9GAG because it can't be lamer than the Apple presentation, and saw a post with untranslatable words from other languages. The first one is "Waldeinsamkeit" and it's described as "The feeling of being alone in the woods".

First of all, you can put every ******* word in front of Einsamkeit what is just the German word for loneliness. I have now idea why they chose Wald, the German word for forest. This word combination is not commonly used, to be honest, I had to read it twice until I got it.

And there is really no reason why this should annoy me, but it does.
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

However to suggest that 64bit is slower is completely wrong. If optimized correctly it will out run 32bit. Also you cannot get anywhere near the size of RAM or processing power in a 32 bit machine that you can on a 64 bit.

Yes, I get that. But it's not like they put 8 GB RAM into the new iPhone. This is as hollow as when Microsoft announces that Windows Phone can support 64 cores...
Re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Yes, I get that. But it's not like they put 8 GB RAM into the new iPhone. This is as hollow as when Microsoft announces that Windows Phone can support 64 cores...

The 1020 has 2G RAM. I think there's a phone out with either 3G or 4G so 8G is not unlikely. Also MS claim is based on the current OS architecture. It was meant to show the kernel was future proof as way of saying to devs that they're hear to stay and there's longevity in the OS.

Things in the mobile world is slowing like PCs did with 486 series of processors and now again with the current run. Then there will be a made dash again when things change in the next year or so. This is the way technology goes. Things go in waves. It will feel stale for a bit then 'boom' a change will come. We had several failed portable devices prior to the smartphone. So it just goes to show that there is nothing concrete in technology. It will be interesting to see what the next big thing will be, I don't see it being watches though or Google Glass.

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