WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!


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re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

That was day two.

I listened to quite some Spotify, played a demanding 3D game, tortured my battery with Street View, and used it quite normally else. After 15h and 35min still 37 % left.

I think I'm pretty sure now that this "battery trade off due to the screen" is not really relevant to me.

I'll stop posting battery life from now on ;-)


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I thought it was about problems with updating to Cyan when the DP is already installed? I was referring to that. Sorry if I got it wrong :)

On my Malay 925 I had DP installed - no camera issues. Now I updated to Cyan OTA - no camera issues. Maybe I'm lucky or the camera stuff is an isolated incident.

Posted via Princely Purple Z Ultra


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re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

That was day two.

I listened to quite some Spotify, played a demanding 3D game, tortured my battery with Street View, and used it quite normally else. After 15h and 35min still 37 % left.

I think I'm pretty sure now that this "battery trade off due to the screen" is not really relevant to me.

I'll stop posting battery life from now on ;-)

No you won't. We just have to listen to you rub it in our noses until you hang out over the weekend or until that new phone feel wears of...:)

Posted via Princely Purple Z Ultra

sahib lopez

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re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I smoke that game a lot. I don't see what the fuss is. One of my coworkers who has an iPhone kept going on and on about it at lunch today. I was like:"WTF woman!? It ain't that serious!"

Of course, I said that in my head - as much as I do t have a problem saying it in person, I left the thought in my head because I wasn't in the mood to be PC.

Posted via Princely Purple Z Ultra

the game smokes me :p and I laughed at the WTF woman XD


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re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

No you won't. We just have to listen to you rub it in our noses until you hang out over the weekend or until that new phone feel wears of...:)

Yeah I forgot this over-the-air update I installed while having lunch... ;-)

I hope it doesn't wear off too fast. But I won't be posting much over the weekend, so that's true ;-)

Now I'll try to catch up on my sleep. Have a nice 8 hours or so.

sahib lopez

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re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

The point is that people say it's not necessary without even having tried it out. They are still in Apple's mind of Retina, while laughing about Apple's Retina. They stated 1080p isn't needed, and nowadays it's standard. The point is that I don't like your definite opinion without any room for relativity.

You say there's no point in it. Without even having used it for a while. It's exactly the same as for people that thought they don't need more than 720p.

Just keep an open mind, I have posted a lot of links about people preferring the higher resolution, and that this "the human eye can not see a higher resolution" statement is crap. Maybe you'd rather believe some random blogs than the scientific publications I've posted here, that's okay then.

Personally I certainly like this screen and its amazing sharpness.

my though process comes from general use. hear me out on my 810 its 480P and I already don't see the pixels ( sometimes I do) at a regular distance. ive seen ( not used) 1080p phones and I saw the screen and its pretty sharp. if I look at them at regular distance I know I wont notice the difference between a 1080p and QHD

yeah i admit that i haven't used 1080p phones only seen.

i know you posted links to it and they make sence but the question that came to mind was that " what about normal usage " having say 2 phones one 1080p and one QHD and telling people they are both the same. would they notice the difference in their daily usage? a jump from 720 and QHD, i would think anyone would notice the difference . the only thing im not so sold on is the 1080 and QHD difference.

that's just my thoughts about it

Sport Driver

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re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Um, they said maybe this week. And after all, is still MS, even if they said that is coming this week you couldn't be 100%sure :D.

sahib lopez

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re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

all i have to say is ...wow !

sahib lopez

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re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Hmmm I hope I do get to go to the river :( if not ill just finish up some stuff

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk


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Dec 20, 2012
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So my experiment is successful. Looks like I found a good enough nanoSIM adapter. The trick isn't to cut down a microSIM to fit, but to use a nanoSIM and come up with the adapters. This makes me a bit more comfortable with the idea of using two phones with different formats again.

Simply put, it means I can go to 5" now...and get a Nexus 5 and 930. I may switch out the Nexus 5 for a Moto X +1 if Moto keeps a similar footprint.


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re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

The plan now is to get a black Nexus 5 and a white Lumia 930 to go with a Purple Z ultra. Now, I can get off the market for good.

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