WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

He just uses the OPO and the N7, and is trying to sell everything else until he gets a 830 as his WP device...that's all.

Posting 1+1 Style!

Actually I use the 635 as well otherwise I can't answer half the questions posted here...gotta perform my Ambassador duties as well...
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I don't get the One+One "invite" thing.... Can't someone just buy one?

As long as the "someone" has an invite. They are a startup who can't afford to pile up inventory of parts like Samsung or Apple can. So they kind of work on Work In Progress = Number of Confirmed Orders type manufacturing operation.
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It's still a prototype from my understanding. Beta.

Even though they did 1 million of them...

The phone is not a prototype. It works as advertised without any major bugs. For that matter all new devices have bugs...some major and some minor.
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

So if you're not going to use it what's the point of being excited by it?

I know what RAW is, I understand what it is and why it's used. I actually went to a photography workshop a few years back.

I don't disagree to having RAW but I don't get the overall excitement about having it. I'll explain it this way.

Since the world of mobile phones can't seem to break the 32GB barrier without SD cards (which can sometimes be difficult to remove) or costing a fortune space continues to be a premium. RAW image files are huge. The larger the mega pixels on a camera the larger the file.

Next, RAW files need post processing to be used. So even though you're able to do many wonderful things with a RAW file to fix flaws in it you will need a good photo editor which hopefully has a good image converter built in. I'm just not sure in our day and age of posting to Instagram and using Snapchat where people are going to take the time to do this sort of thing on their mobile devices. It's different if you're a professional photographer or a good armature but the average person?

So on the whole I think it's great to have RAW but I don't see the excitement from some people about. What's the gain to the average person other than more fiddling around with images?

Maybe it's my age but the obsession with cameras and images lately is a bit odd.

I did say at the end that its more of a thing if is possible ...why not have it :) that's why im excited :p
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

As long as the "someone" has an invite. They are a startup who can't afford to pile up inventory of parts like Samsung or Apple can. So they kind of work on Work In Progress = Number of Confirmed Orders type manufacturing operation.
I didn't realise how it worked so it will have to wait until next time...
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Well, since the cat's out of the bag slightly...I moved my Unicorn for cash
and a 930. Got another cork case lined up for it in route.

I liked the unicorn. I just decided that I wanted something more pocketable now that I'm lugging the N7 2013 around. So I figured I'd try one of those since nothing else out there in WP would be a suitable replacement.

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Oh good stuff 😁 I hope it turns out to be a good device
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It's still a prototype from my understanding. Beta.

Even though they did 1 million of them...

They did this to make sure they managed the production. They didn't really need to do the silly **** with how they marketed the phone, and Cyanogen didn't do itself favors with the Micromax deal, but it is still a quality device.

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Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Actually I use the 635 as well otherwise I can't answer half the questions posted here...gotta perform my Ambassador duties as well...

I know...that's why he need to upgrade you from that thing...

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Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

There hasn't been much said about the L930 in general as of late. It gets a mention here and there but its kind of like the phone everyone ignored.

Its a shame, because it is appears to be a solid performer. I think the chip set choice was based on Nokia's production abilities. Even if they went with the same panel, I'd have loved the sd801 (which has shown to actually have better battery management than the SD800) in it and it priced more aggressively.

It doesn't sell because it is perceived by die hards as nothing new, and by newcomers as not enough to switch (because of the OS).

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