WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

From what I know about human development there is no magic number for when we stop being kids/teens and become adults. Some people it happens sooner and others it happens later but 25 is the average, apparently. I have no idea where they got the idea of 18 from, maybe it was an old fashioned idea or something? I never quite understood that. 21 makes even less sense, though a bit better when it comes to drinking as the brain is slightly more developed.

Developmentally, once you hit 25, you have what you have as an adult going forward. Male sexual peak it atypically at 25, women is at 40. You're registered in the supplemental draft from 18-24 automatically here in the US if you have at minimum a green card.

18 is the old fashioned idea...especially used for drafting troops (people had shorter lifespans back in the days too). 21-24 typically you're on the last legs of development into adulthood physically...

Posted Approved by Nexus 7 (2013)
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

From what I know about human development there is no magic number for when we stop being kids/teens and become adults. Some people it happens sooner and others it happens later but 25 is the average, apparently. I have no idea where they got the idea of 18 from, maybe it was an old fashioned idea or something? I never quite understood that. 21 makes even less sense, though a bit better when it comes to drinking as the brain is slightly more developed.

Maybe due to Biological reasons?
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Developmentally, once you hit 25, you have what you have as an adult going forward. Male sexual peak it atypically at 25, women is at 40. You're registered in the supplemental draft from 18-24 automatically here in the US if you have at minimum a green card.

18 is the old fashioned idea...especially used for drafting troops (people had shorter lifespans back in the days too). 21-24 typically you're on the last legs of development into adulthood physically...

Posted Approved by Nexus 7 (2013)

Though I heard of that 25/40 thing many times I thought recently that thinking has changed some. I'd have to go looking to find the information.

I know from a physical point of view that we all stop at 25. The brain is quite a elastic so changes are always possible. The maturity of the brain, from what I read is usually around 25 for everyone but it's not absolute. The idea of maturity is always questionable in my eyes. :P
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Though I heard of that 25/40 thing many times I thought recently that thinking has changed some. I'd have to go looking to find the information.

I know from a physical point of view that we all stop at 25. The brain is quite a elastic so changes are always possible. The maturity of the brain, from what I read is usually around 25 for everyone but it's not absolute. The idea of maturity is always questionable in my eyes. :P

It's not absolute, but generally, that's the ballpark.
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It's not absolute, but generally, that's the ballpark.

I just found out that 25/40 data was from the Alfred Kinsey data from 1953 when he did his research. It's been proven incorrect and is no longer valid in psychology.
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Cover my air fare and get Sahib a muffin and I'll come do that.

Posted Approved by Nexus 7 (2013)

Covering your airfare would be easy - I won't go into details.
Getting Sahib a muffin is trying to get an emperor puffin from Antarctica to USA.
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I think WP is doing a great job of killing itself. It doesn't need help.

However I am confused now how it got to there. I feel I missed something and I don't know what it is...

Uhhh I think it was the phone talk and I thought you were talking about that thread

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