WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Is the OP on vacation? I know I am not. I suggest that we post on this thread as many times as possible to make this a trending topic of the forums that way we can get more to join in here.
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Is it just me or has anyone noticed the whining about "No denim update for me yet" has sort of dies down? What gives? Is it because for most the "Denim update" is just a name as it would be just Cyan firmware and updated OS?
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Is it just me or has anyone noticed the whining about "No denim update for me yet" has sort of dies down? What gives? Is it because for most the "Denim update" is just a name as it would be just Cyan firmware and updated OS?

Thank gosh It will come when it gets there I'll continue to use my phone as usual !

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk but I prefer my 810 and 830
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

maybe ill hold off in buying the surface 2 and wait till I find something that is like the surface rt :)
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

o.O..... well that explains it ;P

Microsoft Outlook for Android, left. Accompli, right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Well, there's only a very few select countries that I would like to visit before I die, and it would be purely for sight seeing/tourist reasons. Other than that, I don't have any reason at all to leave the U.S. And while I know things can happen here in the States, just like anywhere else, the chances are a lot less... I'm perfectly content keeping my feet safely planted on American soil.

No offence to those abroad.. and I'm sure there's statistics that state something like "there's more people killed by drunk drivers in the U.S. Every year, than those killed by roadside bombs, beheadings, or random militia related shootings/assaults" but I'll happily take my chances with the drunk drivers..

None taken.

I guess for someone like me who has travelled extensively I often find it odd when people rather not. That's why I was interested to know your motives.

So you said there only a couple of places your like to go. Which ones would those be? :)

Posted by my Nexus 7
Re: WC 100K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

We are experiencing quite heavy snowing. I'm going to school at the moment hoping buses will drive in the afternoon to home.
We are experiencing quite hard snowing. I'm going to school at the moment hoping buses will drive in the afternoon to home.

Oh that reminds me I should have looked out the window. We were supposed to have snow as well but I'm guessing no. :P

Posted by my Nexus 7

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