Good morning guys. What the thing with this Sahib OS?!! Sounds Funny.
Off-topically enjoying watching How to Train a Dragon with the family. One closer to 100K
You know there's a sequel right?Off-topically enjoying watching How to Train a Dragon with the family. One closer to 100K
At home now, all showered up and ready for bed... Gotta get up early tomorrow.
Good *insert suitable word here*!!
its the best OS ever but I might be a little bias ;P
You know there's a sequel right?
good good excellent
its the best ever sahibOS better than cent OS ... btw cent OS is a real os ;PA little biased! Tell me about it!
Yep! And learned today that it's a planned trilogy. Most excellent.
Sleep tight and dream of Clans that doesn't run in Windows. Sad Panda.
Hell! Why can't I f___ing post pics on tapatalk?!!! It crashes or just keeps loading.