WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It all depends on the person really. :P

What kind of roast is it? Bean?

Have you noticed I'm a coffee snob? :P

Technically, you're a food snob - not just a coffee snob - but hey, who's counting? Lol.

Penned on a Xperia Z3
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I love how shallow Western culture can be at times. The obsession over youth is just so sickening.

Personally I had no issues with the hype-generating outfit Madonna wore last night at the Grammy's. Folks, she's in complete control here...getting hype to sell records and is very comfortable with her body and sexuality. Some people are like: "she's too old to be wearing that ****"! Really. To me, physically she appears to have kept her figure in good enough shape where if she felt like she wanted to show her ***, she could.

I don't know what's worse...selling the idea that as a young woman you strip to get attention and that's OK...or when you get older and you choose to show your body if you're very comfortable with your sexuality they throw you a rob to say "go cover that *** up".

And you wonder why so many of our women get such mixed messages and struggle with issues related to ownership of their bodies. Yes, I'm a guy and there are certain things I'll never be fully able to speak on with this topic, but I'm just tired of the shallowness of this aspect of contemporary Western culture. I see too many young women (cisgender and LGBT) struggle with this and it is just painful to watch.

Penned on a Xperia Z3

The media loves young vulnerable things to go naked and scrutinize the hell out of them... :P Self confident older women who know themselves they don't like.

Also sexuality and US mentality don't mix. :P People freaked out over a nipple at the Superbowl. FFS, think of the children seeing that filth! Horrendous! (that was sarcasm for those who miss it...)

That's how messed the world is and how screwed up the US (one of the highest consumers of porn) is... the highest consumption is apparently the bible belt...

Media is but one aspect of all this, however strong of an influence it is. There's the whole social conformity behind it, degradation of women since who knows when, male privilege, etc...
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

It all depends on the person really. :P

What kind of roast is it? Bean?

Have you noticed I'm a coffee snob? :P

FullCity medium/dark roast. And yeah, I consider myself a coffee connoisseur of sorts as well.
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

FullCity medium/dark roast. And yeah, I consider myself a coffee connoisseur of sorts as well.

So you're a coffee snob too? I turn my nose up at you in pseudo-disgust while sipping on some Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee.

Seriously though, and I'm not just repping my homeland when I say this...that Blue Mountain coffee is some good **** (and I'm not a coffee drinker). If you haven't tried it, you should.

Penned on a Xperia Z3
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Honestly speaking! This thread doesn't seems the same after passing the 100K mark.😡
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Honestly speaking! This thread doesn't seems the same after passing the 100K mark.😡

There have been at least 100 times since I've started posting on this thread that I've used the "this thread doesn't seem the same" comment.

Penned on a Xperia Z3
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

So you're a coffee snob too? I turn my nose up at you in pseudo-disgust while sipping on some Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee.

Seriously though, and I'm not just repping my homeland when I say this...that Blue Mountain coffee is some good **** (and I'm not a coffee drinker). If you haven't tried it, you should.

Penned on a Xperia Z3

LOL! Says the man drinking Jamaican Blue! :P

I have plans to buy some of that. It's bloody expensive!
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

There have been at least 100 times since I've started posting on this thread that I've used the "this thread doesn't seem the same" comment.

Penned on a Xperia Z3

Really! Well this is the first time for me.
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

That's it.keep the comments coming. This is getting excited.
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

The media loves young vulnerable things to go naked and scrutinize the hell out of them... :P Self confident older women who know themselves they don't like.

Also sexuality and US mentality don't mix. :P People freaked out over a nipple at the Superbowl. FFS, think of the children seeing that filth! Horrendous! (that was sarcasm for those who miss it...)

That's how messed the world is and how screwed up the US (one of the highest consumers of porn) is... the highest consumption is apparently the bible belt...

Media is but one aspect of all this, however strong of an influence it is. There's the whole social conformity behind it, degradation of women since who knows when, male privilege, etc...

Yes, it is divide and conquer at its best.

For the newbies on the block, here's a quick lesson. For when we were on the "Education of Sahib" stretch on the thread, this was one topic we got into at length. Here in the US, Roe v Wade (Bing/Google it) has slowly been curtailed, and the gains that women have to control their bodies and reproductive rights in particular are seriously under siege. When you have the old white men like Mike Huckabee openly talking the same old **** dissing women who curse and calling them vulgar, it still reeks on patriarchy at its finest. Women of transgender experience (especially Thai/Brazilian), for some heterosexual males are now the new exotic thing, kinda like how Asian, Latina, Black are still to some degree. There are many women and some men too who are just sick and tired of being seen as sex objects.

It's too much "do as I say in public, but not as I do behind closed doors" from the old white men who have old money and are still in charge. It's still disgusting.

Penned on a Xperia Z3
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

LOL! Says the man drinking Jamaican Blue! :P

I have plans to buy some of that. It's bloody expensive!

I know that it isn't cheap. My uncle before my aunt's Alzheimer's kicked in with full force before her passing was a small time coffee grower.

Penned on a Xperia Z3

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