WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Must of been people who saw fifty shades of grey and wanted to recreated it

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk but I prefer my 810 and 830
My desk isn't that big... It's good for certain positions (which would explain the weird monitor and mouse positions) but nothing you can tie someone up on.

I never read the books by the way. Nor am I revealing anything about my private life.
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

My desk isn't that big... It's good for certain positions (which would explain the weird monitor and mouse positions) but nothing you can tie someone up on.

I never read the books by the way. Nor am I revealing anything about my private life.

Lol we will let snowflake take that crown 😉
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

You know it's cold when the moisture dripping into the subway freezes...

Penned on a Xperia Z3


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Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Good evening. How frozen is your posterior?

Pretty frozen! The only time I went outside today was to get the mail... and then I realized that it is a fu(k!ng holiday!!! I froze even more for nothing!
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

You working up a deal with Jake over the 925? He's a good friend of mine; I told him he should work something up with the 925 :)
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Pretty frozen! The only time I went outside today was to get the mail... and then I realized that it is a fu(k!ng holiday!!! I froze even more for nothing!
I made a similar mistake of going to the bank...but it was a beautiful sunny 77F outside. Better you than me in that weather.
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Funny thing is after buying both a blue and green one, I ended up just getting a cyan shell I like more! LOL

You finally got one!!!!! I got one to test out the Windows 10 TP :). Less than $50 at Walmart is too good of a deal to refuse
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I made a similar mistake of going to the bank...but it was a beautiful sunny 77F outside. Better you than me in that weather.

I'll have to make a trip back down to Florida next month for sure. It's so cold! I remember last Tuesday it was 31F and sunny out so I decided to clean out/air out my car and spent the day with only a pullover and no coat. You know it's been too cold when 31 degrees is considered warm lol
Re: WC 150K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I'll have to make a trip back down to Florida next month for sure. It's so cold! I remember last Tuesday it was 31F and sunny out so I decided to clean out/air out my car and spent the day with only a pullover and no coat. You know it's been too cold when 31 degrees is considered warm lol

Been there, endured that!

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