re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!
Apologies - didn't mean to offend - maybe its just being in Essex and its the tone of some of the womens voices when they talk - I wasn't generalising for all women either - im sure some of you talk complete sense - just after some conversations with women all men can hear after 5 mins is blah blah blah :wink:
It always comes down to topic though. To me, anyone discussing a sports match is about as mindless as someone gossiping about their friends, regardless of sex.
I have heard on trains, planes and other situations where one person dominates the conversation, obviously stressed by something, and the other person just sits there not saying anything, with that glazed look of, I've heard this all before kind of expression. Lots of times it is mindless nonsense but obviously the person talking thinks it's highly important...