WC 1M Post Challenge - You Ready?!

re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

You made me go check out wikipedia. Apparently it is a Swiss dish (1699), the name however is French and somehow Italian is in there too. I don't know how Australians can lay claim to it but then Australians are like that. They laid claim to Pavlova but it's NZ.

I looked it up too, actually the Austrians were claiming Raclette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But it led only to some very minor news paper articles in Austria and Switzerland ;-)

Fondue is a dish I like, Raclette is not really my thing.

That's probably good a reason as any as to why the food was so bad here for so long. It's a lot better now though.

Globalization will get us all in the end :D
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

That's one of the benefits of having such a culturally diverse nation - I know I can go out and get any food I desire. Even had Mongolian.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

That's one of the benefits of having such a culturally diverse nation - I know I can go out and get any food I desire. Even had Mongolian.

Know of any good (re: quality) Chinese restaurants in London? I haven't found one yet.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

My mobile connection is horrible in this area. I can't access anything at the moment. :(
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Now my damn model reviewing software won't work. Talk about a **** day!
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

At least I get a free lunch though. Looks like sandwiches... better than nothing I guess.
Awesome. How are you liking them? Also, did you have the ear bud ones before? And if so, how is the noise isolation when you're out?

I love the cans so far! I also own the in ear version of the purity headphones (cyan as well). Funny enough, they went bad and I'm to ship them back to Nokia for repairs. Once I saw the deal in WPCentral I had to snap the cans up too. The in ears were pretty good for me: I'm not an audiophile, but I liked how balanced the sound is. I think the in ears were a bit louder than the cans overall, the noise cancellation was good enough for my NYC commute. What I really liked too were some Sony tips I had from my ex that I put on the purity in ears that allowed me to drop the volume but still get the in ears loud and with a great seal. All in all, I like the purity headset. If I had the cash I would have gotten the HD wireless ones, but they're still too expensive for me. I do plan to ship back the in ear to Nokia for replacements though.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Now my damn model reviewing software won't work. Talk about a **** day!

What model are you reviewing, Gisele B?ndchen?

B?ndchen is a German name, I can only imagine how English speaking people would pronounce this :D
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

What model are you reviewing, Gisele B?ndchen?

B?ndchen is a German name, I can only imagine how English speaking people would pronounce this :D

LOL! Not that kind of model. 3D model of a industrial plant.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Know of any good (re: quality) Chinese restaurants in London? I haven't found one yet.

There are some gems in Chinatown. Ive been in most of them and a lot just push out the food to the tourists but there are a couple that are really good - best way to grade them is to see how many Chinese people are sitting down eating before you sit down yourself.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

There are some gems in Chinatown. Ive been in most of them and a lot just push out the food to the tourists but there are a couple that are really good - best way to grade them is to see how many Chinese people are sitting down eating before you sit down yourself.

I've been to one Chinese restaurant in China town. It was ok but nothing special.

The problem with going with the Chinese sitting at tables is that they are given a different menu compared to the 'other' people. The 'Westernized' version of Chinese food is not that great, it's generally horrible in North America unless you find a good restaurant.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I've been to one Chinese restaurant in China town. It was ok but nothing special.

The problem with going with the Chinese sitting at tables is that they are given a different menu compared to the 'other' people. The 'Westernized' version of Chinese food is not that great, it's generally horrible in North America unless you find a good restaurant.
This is only partially true, my favorite dim sum place has a almost 1:1 ratio of Asian/Non-Asians and it's the best in the city.
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

Danggit it's almost 5 am and I still haven't slept!

Damn, it's almost 1 pm and I still could eat Zopf! ...and probably will soon, there are many leftovers.

Go to bed, have some good sleep, it's important to stay healthy!
re: WPC 10K Post Challenge - You Ready?!

I've been to one Chinese restaurant in China town. It was ok but nothing special.

The problem with going with the Chinese sitting at tables is that they are given a different menu compared to the 'other' people. The 'Westernized' version of Chinese food is not that great, it's generally horrible in North America unless you find a good restaurant.

Theres a place called Yauatcha in soho on broadwick street that does some amazing dimsum - its a Michelin star restaurant too

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