The clerk was nice and uber helpful. I explained what I wanted and why - she didn't try to fight/up sell me a ton. She got a little too excited when she saw my credits and went straight for the Surface line. At least she chose the Surface laptop 2, which I had really liked.
They didn't have anymore in the store and there was no way I was going to use my full credits on a Surface 3.
The funniest part was when I showed her the Flex i7 Gen 10, said I wanted that instead of the i7 Gen 8 they had on the show floor. She handled it well. I did love the HP Envy though. It had the Flex beat on design, portability and I liked the screen a bit more (it's brighter and sharper). The keyboards are tied (HP had better travel, Lenovo the less cramped layout). Still, the config I wanted was way more expensive than the Lenovo. I still paid a bit more than I wanted, but that's OK I guess for future proofing.
In my limited testing, I came down to the Surface Laptop 2, HP Envy 13T and the Lenovo Flex 14 (6). MSFT had the favorite screen, HP had the best port selection and most cost effective storage combo for my tastes. Plus, it was second best for me in keyboard, weight (was third in screen and battery life though, but not that far behind the others).
Ultimately I was able to type on a broken in surface keyboard as I was setting up stuff in the store and I didn't like how it aged. That and the magnetic connector and it being too expensive for what I want to pay ruled it out. I didn't mind the AMD chips, but not at the price they wanted. I tried out the HP 360 15" and liked it, but the keyboard felt too cramped for me. The Envy was the right size but the cost for the combo I wanted was too much. So I now own a Lenovo.
1) Dell Inspron 8100
2) Asus 10 Ee PC
3) Asus T100
4) Lenovo Flex 14 (6)
That's the list of portable computers I've owned since age 18. And I have all of them still.
I have owned a Dell desktop and my barebone kit as the others. Point is I didn't want to get something I couldn't use for a long time.