How we got here was to show that there is more nuance behind some of the blanket statements you've consistently made.
Let me deconstruct a few things here:
"USA was founded at time certain individual rights and freedoms".
Yes it was, theoretically. But the real truth behind it was that the only individual rights and freedoms being protected by the USA founding were the rich white forefathers who economically felt they should be handling their own affairs, not the British monarchy. No brown person was prominently present in the founding of USA because we were in chattel slavery, being treated as 3/5 human by the constitution the same founding fathers wrote and as such they didn't give a **** about what we thought.
"I'm not saying that slave was right or racism doesn't exist. Heck, that existed in Asia, Europe and other places going back to biblical times, long before the Puritans came here."
Forced indentured experiences have been seen in other historical time periods. But to equate those to chattel slavery is both a slap in the face to the experiences of those people and a severe slap in the face to those who experienced chattel slavery. The only time white people experienced parts of what became chattel slavery was in its infancy - the economic parts where the system was supposed to be indentured contract work where they took poor and locked up whites abroad (Australia was one of the first colonies) to work on plantations. Contracts were usually about 4 years long. If you survived the conditions, you got paid and could either stay or go back to Europe. Eventually some

discovered brown people could survive the work better and then it evolved into going into Africa and the rest is history.
What makes chattel slavery so devastating was how it evolved from the economic base into a suppressive system on a social and cultural level also. Wiped out generations, reprogrammed people both brown and non brown a certain way. Got so pervasive you can still see it in modern society.
No one says you were defending chattel slavery. It just sounds like you don't understand the depth and breadth as to how effectively devastating the experience was, especially here in America. Human history hasn't seen anything like it.
And to trying to sidestep a system that is over 400+ years old with seemingly blanket statements just gives off the vibe that you really are unfamiliar with some of the nuances that is at play here. These big boy issues that USA grapples with aren't without context, didn't show up overnight. One cannot begin to discuss these things completely without acknowledging the context and origin.
The freedoms you talk about are relative and are only protected by the laws on the books and the system of checks and balances that's being assaulted by the ilk of the commander in thief who represents ideas rooted in chattel slavery.
USA is an interconnected conundrum and a uber nuanced one for lots of reasons. That's the overarching point it seems like you're missing.