Sigh. Only in NY you'd see this happen:
So I'm crossing the street, a few blocks away from where I get the subway, one of my 3 transfers needed to get home (90 minute commute). So some muscle man is strutting across the street, really slow engrossed on his phone call on his Galaxy S4.
Here's the issue. The light just changed, and the phone is to his ear on the same side that the oncoming traffic is coming from. Talk about a perfect Youtube moment.
So here's where it gets SMH worthy. As he almost crosses the street oblivious to oncoming traffic, this old geezer (looking like 80 years old and 80 pounds soaking wet in a T shirt and shorts) a vespa scooter hits his horn fully blast at the dude from 10 feet away. So he jumps off the phone, spots the old man riding off (neglects to see the rest of the speeding traffic) and starts telling and cursing as to why the guy blasted his horn. I swear, if the old geezer had stopped, muscle head would have fought him!