Somebody share with me your internet!!!
That sucks BP - no offence to anyone from other countries but a month without a phone line is third world standard.
If you phoned BT and told them you were cancelling your contract for breach of terms of service and switching to another provider I wonder how quickly you would have everything back up and running?? I had a rant to sky the other night - im paying for their top broadband package which is supposed to give me 20mb download speed - ive been doing speedtests at different times all week and ive never got over 3mb. Had a bit of a rant over the phone and emailed a screenshot of the test results and ive now got them coming to switch me over to the new fibre optic service for the same price as im paying now for the first six months only now I will be getting 40mb download speeds
That sucks BP - no offence to anyone from other countries but a month without a phone line is third world standard.
If you phoned BT and told them you were cancelling your contract for breach of terms of service and switching to another provider I wonder how quickly you would have everything back up and running?? I had a rant to sky the other night - im paying for their top broadband package which is supposed to give me 20mb download speed - ive been doing speedtests at different times all week and ive never got over 3mb. Had a bit of a rant over the phone and emailed a screenshot of the test results and ive now got them coming to switch me over to the new fibre optic service for the same price as im paying now for the first six months only now I will be getting 40mb download speeds
I dumped AT&T for that reason. I don't have TV service, just internet. I easily use that much.I went from TW to UV a couple of months back... While I prefer UV, they kind of suck having a 250GB monthly limit... Not that I go anywhere near that now... I could see getting up there if you were to go diskless on the One
My internet been going out for the past two weeks and now it been out for the past few days.... Phone been out for two months now ask BT what the issue, they said they were fixing it two weeks ago just waiting for a permit they got one, rung them up again where still getting the permit!!!
Why BT, why, why punish me by taking my internet away!
Rant over ishhhh....
Want are your two backs up you have?
I was thinking about going to a coffee shop with free WIFI.
Just changed my goody bag to unlimited and will start tomorrow!!!
Somebody share with me your internet!!!
You kknow you can have mine @_@
You kknow you can have mine @_@
If he comes here, I give him my WiFi password and he can use it as long as he want on the doorstep outside ;-)
Here's a tip: Use the XPress Browser for everything. Disable all images.97.34MB of mobile data left starting to lose it...... may have to....... resort ...... to extreme ......... measures ........ Derp
Here's a tip: Use the XPress Browser for everything. Disable all images.
Now, watch as you still eat away at your data, but at a slower rate.
P.S. I'm stuck on EDGE. Help me.