Another one.....This is No longer WindowsCentral, it's AdvertisingCentral. I know you got to pay the bills but, this is a nightmare. Full screen ads on the home page? Really ?
In fact I have noted this to other users as well, I will pop in the forums sure but, I barely ever go to the home page any more, always use a RSS reader (or a mobile browser to reply). These ads cause lag on IE, in fact when I try hit close on the front page, the lag makes me hit the site and I get a popup...
Like I said, I know you got to pay the bills, but, you took a good Windows Phone site and turned it into a mess.
RSS reader from now on and when there is a news article I want to see, I go to your competitive sites most of the time now....
Great way to screw up a great WP site...
Is there an option for users to pay a yearly fee (reasonable) that would stop all ads ? I can see you losing customers in the long term, seen a lot of sites over the yeas that got greedy and went this route then failed...
EDIT: Even today, I was coming to this site on a dual core laptop (our kitchen laptop), long running script caused IE to crash, Great Job WindowsCentral..